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EUBAM met with European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence

On 18 May 2023, the Head of EUBAM, Slawomir Pichor, met with the European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) led by Chair Nathalie Loiseau that was visiting the Republic of Moldova.

The Head of Mission briefed the SEDE about the impact of war on border security and trade. Russia’s blockade of Ukrainian ports and destruction of railway connections in the Odesa region disrupted the usual trade routes for Ukrainian grain and other agricultural goods, threatening global food security. Thus, since the beginning of the war, it was a top priority for EUBAM to facilitate smooth border crossings of people and goods, improve security and raise processing capacities in the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes initiative. In addition, the Head of EUBAM gave an overview of the Mission’s support in combating cross-border crime.

The delegation also visited Hirbovat’s internal customs control post at the administrative line. Moldovan Customs and Migration Authorities and our experts gave an overview of the trade aspects and types of control performed there.