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Community House, a social service for people with mental disabilities, was launched in Fălești district

Six people with mental and psycho-social disabilities from Fălești district will be included in the Community House social service, created by the Association of Parents of People with Disabilities “Eternitate” in partnership with the Fălești District Council, with the support of the European Union and the Soros Foundation Moldova. The Community House is an ordinary home, furnished and equipped with all the necessary things, and the people living in it are assisted by professionals to acquire independent living skills. Such a service is a solution to avoid placing these people in residential institutions. 

With the resources of the project, which had a total budget of 60,000 euros, the “Eternitate” Association purchased a home, furnished and arranged it according to the needs of beneficiaries, equipped it with household appliances, hired and trained the specialists who will work within the service.

People with mental and psycho-social disabilities in the Community Home service need ongoing care and support to develop their potential and independent living skills. Living here, they can participate in the life of the community, because they have access to public services, school, medical Centre, cultural Centre, and on holidays they can receive guests. The people of the village know them, can visit them, can go on trips together. In this way, isolation is avoided, and the quality of their life is improved,” said Ludmila Jalbă, president of the “Eternitate” Association, at the press conference launching the service.

For 2024, the Fălești District Council provided in its budget full financing of this service, 900 thousand lei, which will ensure its sustainability.

The Community House inaugurated in Fălești is one of the 40 social services created as part of the project ‘Civil Society Organisations Act for Better Social Services’, financed by the European Union, co-financed and implemented by the Soros Foundation Moldova in partnership with Keystone Moldova and Institutum Virtutes Civilis.