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A sensory room was inaugurated in Criuleni to assist children with developmental and behavioural disorders

Children with disabilities and children with developmental and behavioural disorders from Criuleni district will have access to assistance with the application of sensory therapies thanks to a sensory stimulation room set up by the public association “Everyone Contributes to Change” with the support of the European Union and the Soros Foundation Moldova.

Sensory therapy facilitates the learning process and helps the child to become an autonomous adult integrated in society. The activities of this therapy contribute, through special techniques, to the child’s adaptation to the environment. Sensory integration therapy is a component of the complex intervention plan for the recovery of children with certain disorders or disabilities. “Through the implemented project, we expanded and strengthened the Mobile Team social service and the district service of early intervention: we set up the space, informed the community, parents, trained specialists, and piloted the services of the sensory room. We also provided a car for the Lăstarel Early Intervention Centre. Thus, specialists can go more easily to families with limited financial means to provide their children with the necessary services free of charge – sensory therapy, physical therapy, psychological assistance,” said Victoria Secu, executive director of Everyone Contributes to Change at the inauguration of the sensory room.

The use of the sensory room will improve the quality of services provided to at least 100 children annually – 30 beneficiaries of the Mobile Team social service and 70 beneficiaries of the district service of early intervention. 

Everyone Contributes to Change has developed several social services for children and families, proving to be a reliable partner of the European Union. We are happy to work with such organisations and we will continue to support civil society in expanding the social services needed for communities,” said Victoria Neaga, project manager at the Delegation of the European Union, who attended the event.

The expansion of the Mobile Team service and the district service of early intervention in Criuleni is part of the project “Civil Society Organisations Act for Better Social Services”. The public association “Everyone Contributes to Change” was created in 2000 and by now has developed a number of social and educational support services for people with disabilities at the local and regional level. The association has the status of public benefit.