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Junior Vox by #EU4Moldova: Local Communities – what would children do if they were to become mayors?

Imagine the incredible world we could create by paying closer attention to the unspoken words of children! During the Europe Days, we inquired about the aspirations of the young ones, questioning what they would do if they were the mayors of their towns. Their creativity not only brought smiles to our faces, but also filled us with tremendous hope for the future of our communities. 

As one of the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme’s objective is the development of the local public services and the capacity development of the local public authorities, we are proud to be inspired by some of these ideas and present to you some remarkable thoughts from the wonderful children of Moldova. „If I were mayor…”:

  • I would open a free painting school (Ana, 6 years old).
  • I would ask people to sort the garbage (Laura, 5 years old).
  • I would build more amusement parks (Sofia, 9 years old).
  • I would build a well so that all people can drink clean water (Ștefan, 9 years old).
  • I would fix all the roads (Matei, 11 years old).
  • I would build more sports fields and put more trash cans (Damian, age 7).
  • I would plant many, many trees (Eva, 10 years old).

Since in June we celebrate the International Day of Children, we wish all children and their parents to take care of their inner child and have the power of bringing to life all the magnificent ideas that they hold in their hearts.

The “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme is a Team Europe initiative, running until 2025, with the beautiful and ambitious aim to enhance the quality of life of all people living in Edineț, Străseni, and Leova districts. 

The “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” programme is financed by the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland – Polish aid; and jointly implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Solidarity Fund PL (SFPL) in Moldova.