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Social economy – promoted in Moldova with EU support

In the Republic of Moldova, during 19-20 May, was held the international conference “Impact Days”, financed by the European Union, co-financed by Sweden, USAID, UNDP and other donors. The organizers of the conference are AO Ecovisio, East Europe Foundation and ADV Romania.

The conference brought together investors, entrepreneurs, decision makers, philanthropists and other representatives of the investment sector. The main topic of the conference was social and impactful businesses. The topics, green and social economy, business promotion tools, the impact fund, an alternative investment fund, sustainable development objectives, ecological agriculture, startups with impact and the international experience in the responsible economy were discussed.

Classic businesses no longer meet the current needs of society. What can make a difference is social business, where “no one is left behind”, where even vulnerable people find work and the environment is protected. At the conference, the participants were able to get to know numerous social business models from countries such as Romania, Ukraine, Armenia and others.

Even if the culture of social business is not developed in the Republic of Moldova, Ternavschi says that the few social entrepreneurs that exist contribute to the development of the economy and the formation of a culture. “Social problem solvers are helping people change their outlook on engaging in small and medium-sized businesses,” says Vladimir.

“Through “Impact Days” a brick is laid to change the current economic theories on the market”, stressed Angela Achiței, president of the “Alături de Voi” Foundation in Romania. The organisation he leads is one of social inclusion and has the mission of creating equal conditions for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

The Republic of Moldova needs the adoption of the Social Economy Law. The social economy is based on private, voluntary and solidary initiative, with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility, as well as the limited distribution of profit to associates.