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Free psychological counselling for journalists in Moldova

Free psychological counselling for journalists in Moldova


DW Akademie (Germany) and the Association of Independent Press (API) have launched a psychological support programme for journalists in the Republic of Moldova. This initiative offers free psychological counselling to journalists, editorial team members, non-editorial staff of media institutions, and freelance professionals.

The programme is designed to assist those experiencing psychological difficulties stemming from increasing workloads, constant stress, anxiety, and other challenges. To access the service, applicants can use the Telegram chatbot @suport_psihologic_api_bot, where they will answer a few questions. A psychologist will then contact them within 48 hours. Alternatively, applicants can request counselling by completing a form in either Romanian or Russian.

Depending on the individual’s needs, up to 10 free counselling sessions are available, conducted in Romanian or Russian, as appropriate. API and DW Akademie ensure full confidentiality, with all data shared only with the psychologist and not disclosed to third parties.

This psychological support programme is part of the “TRIMEDIA – Trusted Journalism, Impact Media, Engaged Communities” project, implemented jointly by DW Akademie and the Association of Independent Press. It is funded by the European Union and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

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