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Training course for improving digital skills of Local Public Authorities, organised with the support of the EU


The current context shows that the use of online communication platforms to inform citizens about their activities is increasing more and more and public services digitalisation becomes a necessary and priority tool.

Digital competence is an essential skill for Local Public Authorities. Under EVA project “Strengthened Gender Action in Cahul and Ungheni districts”, funded by the European Union and implemented by UN Women Moldova, in partnership with UNICEF Moldova, was organised an intensive course of improving digital skills of Local Public Authorities (LPAs).

This course was like a breath of air. As we were asked to do everything easier. The work with parents to be easier. All the explanation and interaction were on social media groups and there were often misunderstandings. Respectively, parents asked for solutions, they forced us to find simpler and more convenient methods. automatically, we had to create groups on ZOOM. The EVA project came just on time. When I heard about the course, I asked the mayor to include me, as well. I really needed it, and it was very useful for me. It is one thing when you watch videos on the Internet and something else when the trainer comes and explains it step by step” said Maria Cozma, director of the kindergarten from Frăsinești.

The aim of these training sessions was to train or extend, where appropriate, the digital skills, using online platforms and tools, accessing government services, making online payments, or using social networks.

I knew nothing about ZOOM, and it was totally new. I did not know how to set up a meeting, how to organise something. We will be able to also have the L ocal Council meetings online, meetings with partners, maybe even with citizens. We will work more easily; we will engage them much more” said Elena Neiculov, secretary of the Commune Council from Zirnesti.

Thus, about 88 specialists from 12 LPAs from Cahul and Ungheni districts were trained how to use digital tools in working with citizens. In addition, digital skills will help make their daily work more efficient, transparent, and accountable towards the needs of citizens, but also as an action to respond to the current need to adapt to the situation created by the Coronavirus pandemic.

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