EU support to Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Safety in the Republic of Moldova – in progress
During March, April and May 2021, 9 (teleworking) expert missions with the participation of 20 international experts from Austria, Poland and Lithuania were carried out.
The main focus was to support and guide the development of the National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (NARDS 2030). For this purpose, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping document was developed and the indicators for the environmental issues were agreed upon. Regarding the development of the NARDS 2030 (strategy and program), the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE) (MARDE) has opted for the national approach, based on the local legislation. Different sector programs, thematic working group papers, NARDS 2014-2020 and the evaluation report, regulation on granting direct payments per head of livestock were analysed. The first part of the ex-ante evaluation report was drafted.
With the support of Twinning short term experts, the application for animal premium were processed. The animal premium scheme was already launched and the Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) started to receive the applications. A draft for a future electronic approach was elaborated and discussed.
At the same time, four scenarios on the implementation of area-based payments have been developed by AIPA and Twinning Project STEs, including an excel based calculation tool and recommendations for next steps.
The Twinning Lithuanian Experts in cooperation with MARDE and ANSA reviewed 10 EU quality and marketing standards (eggs, poultry, honey, beefs, pork, dehydrated milk): 9 out of 10 national standards were approximated to EU acquis communitaire. The classification of poultry meat in two classes and the implementation of additional water control in the establishments have not been transposed. In order to implement recommendations provided by experts, MARDE amended two national legal acts establishing the marketing requirements for poultry meat and eggs. The workshop on implementation of quality marketing standards for poultry meat and eggs was organised by LT experts, MARDE and ANSA for slaughterhouses and processing of poultry meat establishments, egg packaging centres. The mentioned above workshop was focused on quality marketing standards which are important for consumer rights to choose products according to their needs.
In the stated period of time there were reviewed the official control procedures and checklists related to animal health and welfare for broilers and laying hens. Generally, official control is in line with EU requirements, however, the biosecurity is one of the key prevention tool and should be implemented in the farms.
Only the listed establishments of animal origin are allowed to export products to EU. Generally, the experts stated that the legislation of the Republic of Moldova comply with the provisions of the EU regulations regarding the approval of establishments.
Close communication and collaboration between the food business operators, farms and competent authorities is the best way to successfully achieve the goals.
The EU funded Twinning Project “Further support to Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Safety in the Republic of Moldova” with a total budget of EUR 2 million has officially started on 1st of September, 2020.
The 2 years project is implemented by the consortium of Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA), as the lead partner together with the Agency for Reconstruction and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA) from Poland and the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) from Lithuania. This Twinning project aims to strengthen the institutional capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (MARDE), Agriculture Intervention and Payment Agency (AIPA) and National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) in the design and implementation of sustainable agriculture, rural development and food safety policy in line with EU legislation and best practices.