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European Union supports civil society in the Republic of Moldova to assist Ukrainian refugees

Civil society organisations continue to stand in solidarity with Ukrainian refugees arriving in the Republic of Moldova. Through the European Union-funded regional project “Civil Society Organisations Capacity Development” in the Republic of Moldova, ERIM (formerly IREX Europe) provided a support of 5,000 EUR for the organisation A.O. “Inițiativă Pozitivă”. The organisation assists refugees in the Republic of Moldova following the war in Ukraine, in particular by providing assistance to key populations affected by HIV and their families. The project is implemented between 3 March and 31 August 2022 and provides distribution of medicines, providing psychological assistance, legal advice, and informational support for employment for at least 500 refugees.

By mid-May 2022, in the framework of the grant, the organisation managed to provide assistance to about 318 Ukrainian refugees, including:

  • 110 refugees received qualified psychological support;
  • 41 people were advised on employment and 2 refugees were employed in the organisation A.O. “Inițiativă Pozitivă”;
  • 53 persons were advised by a quasi-judicial expert on obtaining asylum;
  • 64 people, with the help of the quasi-judicial expert, received access to the replacement treatment with methadone and buprenorphine;
  • 48 refugees received specific medicines according to their addresses.

Also, 700 packages of first-aid medicines were purchased, worth about 60 lei each. The drugs were distributed to beneficiaries who were tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C in temporary placement centres. Around 400 packages have already been distributed to people in need.

According to the evaluations and feedback provided by the final beneficiaries, they appreciated the extremely useful and necessary support provided by employees and volunteers within the organisation. All information on the amount of aid provided to NGO A.O. “Inițiativă Pozitivă” can be followed in real time on the following page:

“Civil Society Organizations Capacity Development” is a regional project implemented by Equal Rights & Independent Media – ERIM (IREX Europe) with the financial support of the European Union and aims to strengthen and improve the operational and organizational capacities of civil society organisations in the Republic of Moldova.