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Social services for persons with disabilities – efficient tools for increasing the confidence between both banks of Nistru River

On February 15, took place the national Conference: “Social services for persons with disabilities – efficient tools for increasing the confidence between both banks of Nistru River”. At the event were elucidated the importance of sustainable partnerships based on confidence, ensuring the quality of social services for persons with disabilities, the role of civil society organizations and mass-media into preventing and combating discrimination of persons with disabilities, and the results of the project „Social Services for persons with disabilities to increase the confidence between the both banks of the Nistru River”.

For two years, in the regions Căușeni, Ștefan Vodă, Slobozia, Tiraspol and TAU Găgăuzia, activates the Social service “Mobile team” and a day care center for children and young people for disabilities (in Caragaș, Slobozia), created within the project. The services provide support and assistance for 200 persons with disabilities and their families.

Within the project were developed five Self-Advocacy groups that include 57 young people with disabilities who learn how to represent their rights. Also, five NGO’s from both banks of Nistru River benefited from small grants in the field of inclusion of persons with disabilities and were capacitated in project management; 150 representatives of  local public authorities from 5 regions were capacitated in the domain of social inclusion of persons with disabilities; eight local mass-media representatives were awarded for their media materials; 1392 pupils and teachers from 10 schools found solutions to stop discrimination during the Forum Theatre performances.

The activity was organized within the: „Social Services for persons with disabilities to increase the confidence between the both banks of the Nistru River” project, implemented by Keystone Moldova in partnership with Alliance of Organizations for Persons with Disabilities from the Republic of Moldova and the Center for Rehabilitation and Consultancy „OSORC” funded by European Union and co-funded by IM Swedish Development Partner.

The contact person from European Union Delegation: Fabien Schaeffer
