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A daycare Centre for children with rare diseases, “Blue Butterfly”, was inaugurated in Chișinău

Children with rare diseases from Chișinău will be able to attend a daycare Centre, opened in Riscani sector, where they will benefit from recreational activities and special therapies for recovery. The Centre was created by the public association “Children of the Rain” in partnership with the Chișinău Municipality Council with the support of the European Union and the Soros Foundation Moldova.

Children with rare diseases have a hard time integrating into the socio-educational system because of pathologies that seriously affect their health. They constantly need quality rehabilitation and maintenance services, and their families need psychological and social support to help them provide adequate care for their children. In the Centre, children will receive specific complementary therapies, which will contribute to their well-being.

The Centre has well-adapted spaces with proper furniture and equipment, and its specialists offer children and parents specialized social and educational services, including physical therapy sessions, speech therapy, psychological and psychopedagogical counselling. Alternative therapies are also applied. “Until now, this category of children was hardly accommodated in the existing Centres. Here we will be able to hold appropriate therapy sessions for 28 children from Chișinău municipality every year,” said Doinița-Elena Losețchi, executive director of the public association “Children of the Rain”, at the event.

The project has a budget of 57,194 euros and is implemented by the public association “Children of the Rain” from Chișinău as part of the project “Civil Society Organisations Act for Better Social Services”.