AGREED conference: a great success and occasion of sharing experiences
The conference “Community Development: Cooperation between Local Authorities and Civil Society” was organized on 13 March 2021. The conference is a part of the EU-funded project AGREED-Activating Governance Reform for Enhancing Development. The event was organised in a hybrid format and participants could join the conversation either online or in presence.
The event was of utmost relevance, since it aimed at presenting the results of pilot projects implemented within AGREED project, implemented by ALDA with financial support of European Union.
The main part of the conference consisted of presentations of the main results achieved and problems Civil Society Organisation faced during the implementation of the projects.
A cascade effect of small projects with a great local impact!
Participants have highlighted the great results and good cooperation achieved thanks to the projects, expressing their willingness to visit the projects in the field and wishing the best for future actions. It was mentioned, by both representatives of NGOs and Local Public Authorities, that non-governmental organisations play an important role in identifying the challenges and, respectively, solutions at the community level, thus engaging the community therein and building sustainable partnerships with local authorities.
AGREED project financed by the European Union, like its pilot projects, aims to strengthen Moldova’s local authorities’ capacity to perform a transparent and participatory governance within their communities, focusing on the policy making process related to the upcoming decentralisation reform.
To find our more details on the project, please visit AGREED website.