Ambitious European objectives embraced by 11 new signatory localities of the Covenant of Mayors
Eleven new localities in the Republic of Moldova have committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 35% by 2030. This commitment will be made possible through their adherence to the Covenant of Mayors, a European initiative that supports cities and regions in achieving EU climate and energy objectives.
Victor Parlicov, Minister of Energy, and Solomon Ioannou, Program Officer at the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, were present at the certificate award ceremony. Christophe Frering, the regional leader of the initiative in the Eastern Partnership countries, and Irina Plis, the national expert of the Covenant, spoke to the new signatories about the benefits of the initiative.
The new localities joining the initiative are Suhuluceni, Tănătari, Țareuca, Țarigrad, Anenii Noi district, Bilicenii Vechi, Hârbovăț, Pitușca, Onișcani, Sîngereii Noi, and Puțintei.