Assessment of youth needs in career guidance, entrepreneurial skills and personal development, with EU support
Over 1,000 teenagers from 25 schools in the districts of Soroca, Călărași, Nisporeni, Strășeni and Căușeni participated, during September, in a Participatory Action Research to assess their needs for career guidance, entrepreneurial skills and personal development. Responsible for interviewing and data collecting were 25 young people from those 25 schools, supported by partner teachers in “JOBOTECA – pilot programme for preparing young people in the Republic of Moldova for the labour market” project.
The 25 young people previously participated in a training on data collection and organising focus groups and they put the new knowledge into practice as the school year started. Thus, with the support of allied teachers, the young researchers organised in their schools over 70 interviews and almost 30 focus groups, collecting more than 1,000 questionnaires.
“The student from our school who participated in the training was sceptical at the beginning and was not motivated to participate, but after the three days training and interaction with other young people and trainers, she returned very excited. She said the experience helped her to open up and she expressed her desire to participate in the following events too,” said Tatiana Sandu, the allied teacher from “Mihai Eminescu” High School, Sipoteni village.
Following the analysis of the collected data, Terre des hommes Moldova will develop and adjust the JOBOTECA programme according to the needs expressed by young people.
“JOBOTECA – pilot programme for preparing young people in Moldova for the labour market” project is implemented by Terre des hommes Foundation, Romania office and Moldova office, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Moldova, during February 2021 – January 2024. The project has a total value of 1,110,396 EUR and is 90% co-financed by the European Union.