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Better living conditions for the elderly of the Placement Centre in Anenii Noi district 

Thirty older people and people with disabilities from the Placement Centre in Puhăceni village of Anenii Noi district have better conditions for living and recreational activities, after the rooms were renovated and provided with furniture, household appliances, and other equipment. The 25 employees also benefit from better working conditions. The improvements were made as part of a project carried out by the GENESIS Public Association in partnership with the Anenii Noi District Council with the support of the European Union and the Soros Foundation Moldova.

The bathrooms were repaired and adapted for better access of people with disabilities; the dining room, the laundry room, the medical office, and the bedroom areas were renovated and equipped. A washing machine, a refrigerator, a stove, and other equipment necessary for compliance with state regulations were purchased from the resources of the project and of the Anenii Noi District Council. Also, the Centre’s team, which works in shifts, was trained to provide palliative care, ensure the protection of people in the service against situations of abuse and violence, apply tools for personalized assistance planning for the beneficiaries of the service.

Employees in this type of institution have a specific job, they work in day-night shifts, they continuously monitor the health and psychological state of the elderly, therefore they need specific professional skills and continuous training. Through the project, thanks to the assistance of a qualified mentor, we will increase the quality of the services provided,” said Natalia Procopii-Scobioală, project manager at GENESIS Association, at the presentation event.

The placement Centre in Anenii Noi went through a period of modernisation and improvement of living conditions and services provided, and we are happy to support such transformations, especially if they are based on a sustainable partnership between civil society and local public authorities,” said Victoria Neaga, project manager at the Delegation of the European Union in Moldova.

The 40 social services that we are developing together with our partners as part of the project ‘Civil Society Organisations Act for Better Social Services’ are aimed at improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable categories of the population. We are glad that there is openness at the local level and thus the services developed are sustainable,” said Petru Culeac, executive director of the Soros Foundation Moldova.

The project “Improving the quality of placement services at the District Asylum for Older People and People with Disabilities from Puhaceni village of Anenii Noi district in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic” has a budget of 49,600 euros and co-financing from the Anenii Noi District Council of 500,000 lei.