Business Information and Consulting Center ODA was launched in Bălți, with the financial support of the European Union
With the financial support of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Business Information and Consulting Center ODA for entrepreneurs was inaugurated today in Bălți. The centre was opened by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization together with the Organisation for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA).
The Business Information and Consulting Center ODA in Bălți aims to develop human capital through the promotion of entrepreneurial skills and culture, providing business information and consulting services about grant programmes accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The ODA Centre aims to develop and promote entrepreneurial skills and culture by providing business information and advisory services throughout the northern region of the country. Thus, SMEs benefiting from the support offered by the newly created Centre will be empowered with the knowledge and skills needed to access non-reimbursable financial resources, geared towards increasing the competitiveness and resilience of SMEs in Moldova.
„Entrepreneurs are the engine of our economy, and we are committed to giving them the support and tools they need to expand their businesses and create jobs. The Business Information and Consulting Center ODA in Balti is an important step in this direction, and we will continue to invest in the development of SMEs in Moldova. We help entrepreneurs overcome challenges and reach their full potential by remaining a trusted partner and investing in Moldova’s prosperous future”, declared Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization
„SMEs account for 99% of enterprises in the EU, and they are a powerful source of entrepreneurship and innovation, essential for the competitiveness of EU businesses. From this perspective, the European Union supports the development of SMEs in Moldova to become a driving force for local welfare and development. We are confident that the Centre launched today, managed by the ODA, will contribute to making Moldova a more attractive place to set up and invest in businesses, create employment opportunities and conduct economic activities,” declared Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union in the Republic of Moldova.
Margret Maria Uebber, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Moldova declared: „Improving the business environment, creating jobs and thus offering a perspective for young Moldovans at home is one of the main objectives of Moldovan-German cooperation. An important factor for success in this respect is reaching beyond the borders of Chișinău to other regions of the country. We are proud to have supported both the development of the Bălți region into a growth pole and the transformation of ODA into a strong partner for companies. Joining forces with the European Union was instrumental in this.”
The objectives of the Centre are to promote a sustainable entrepreneurial culture among people interested in starting a business, thus contributing to job creation in the regions of Moldova.
„The administration in Bălți is totally open to European funds in order to bring modernisation to the municipality of Bălți. The second largest city in the Republic of Moldova must look different, modernised. We are ready to implement even more projects in Bălți, for which we thank you and are grateful,” stated Alexandr Petcov, the Mayor of Bălți.
Gheorghe Iudin, Interim Director ODA noted that „The Business Information and Consulting Centre ODA has a clear objective: to develop human capital by promoting entrepreneurial skills and culture. It will provide high quality information and advisory services on state entrepreneurial support programmes and instruments managed by ODA. These services are crucial to help businesses become more competitive and resilient, essential pillars for a healthy and diversified economy. I am confident that this center will become a transformational engine, not just for local businesses, but for the entire region. We will work closely with all our partners to ensure that every entrepreneur has access to the resources and support they need to thrive.”
The office of the Organisation for the Development of Entrepreneurship (ODA) in Bălți municipality became operational thanks to the financial support provided by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) via the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” Programme.
The Business Information and Consulting Center is located on 13 Decebal Street. It will be open from Monday to Friday between 8:30 and 17:30.