Cărpineni village achieved sustainable and inclusive economic development with the financial support of the European Union
The project “Multi-dimensional partnership for inclusive sustainable economic development in Cărpineni village”, financed by the European Union through the “Mayors for economic growth” program and implemented by Primria Cărpineni and AO Cutezătorul, presented the results recorded during a year of activity, within a public event.
The main objective of the EU project “Multi-dimensional partnership for inclusive sustainable economic development in Cărpineni village” was to create an inclusive framework for the sustainable economic development of Cărpineni based on three pillars: trained human resources, infrastructure, and partnership.
Thus, as a part of the project, the Business Consulting Center in Cărpineni was created, and entrepreneurs from the region were trained in running sustainable and inclusive businesses.
Within the Business Consulting Center in Cărpineni, consulting services will be provided for the local and regional business environment in such areas as accounting, human resources, financing programs, labor law, promotion, and others.
“The business consulting center in Cărpineni will support local and regional entrepreneurs through guidance services in various fields related to business development, which will generate new jobs, young people will be trained and will be able to dedicate themselves to new development activities “, declared the mayor of Cărpineni, Frija Mihai, during the closing conference of the project.
Thanks to the EU assistance, through this project, important results were recorded for the economic development of the community. Thus, 35 entrepreneurs benefited from training to strengthen entrepreneurial capacities, over 100 employees of the regional companies were trained on increasing the entrepreneurial culture, and over 30 young people attended training courses and activities that stimulated the development of the entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, a local brand and an entrepreneurial cluster were created to promote local products and attract investments.
“The main mission of the Cărpineni Consulting Office is to provide full support to the rural business community. Entrepreneurs from villages need legal, fiscal, and accounting information and, last but not least, some instructions on how to apply for various business financing programs”, emphasized Mr. Burcă Mihai, an entrepreneur from Cărpineni village.
The business consulting center will provide consulting services to local and regional entrepreneurs, which are in short supply in rural areas. These services will help improve the business climate by strengthening the skills of the existing entrepreneurs. It is expected that the services of the Consultancy Center will encourage new business initiatives, and facilitate access to financial resources, investors, service providers, and partnerships.
Context information
The “Multi-dimensional partnership for inclusive sustainable economic development in the Cărpineni village” project is financed by the European Union through the “Mayors for Economic Growth” program. It is implemented by Primăria Cărpineni and AO Cutezătorul. The total value of the project is 277,778.00 euros, of which 239,036.00 euros represents the contribution of the European Union. The project implementation period is 2022-2023.