Citizens in the centre will benefit from energy efficiency projects and improved water supply services – all funded by the European Union
On 9 February 2021 construction works for European Union (EU) funded projects were launched in the Centre Region: the water supply and sanitation (WSS) project in Calăraşi town and the energy efficiency (EE) project at the ‘Ion Vatamanu’ Lyceum from Străşeni municipality. The goal of the implemented projects is to provide the inhabitants of Călăraşi town with quality water supply and sanitation services and to ensure better educational conditions for students and teachers at the ‚Ion Vatamanu’ Lyceum from Străşeni.
The construction works will be completed by the end of 2021 and will include a series of modernisation measures. Thus, energy efficiency will include the repairing of the roof, insulation of building’s walls, replacement of windows, rehabilitation of the heating system, provision of hot and cold water in the school, and renovation of the sanitary facilities. The total value of the project “Increasing Energy Efficiency of the ‚Ion Vatamanu’ Lyceum in Străşeni” is 1.2 million EUR of which 1.1 million EUR provided by the EU and 102,000 EUR covered from local contribution. The total number of beneficiaries amounts to over 650 students, teachers and auxiliary staff of the Lyceum. At the same time, 16 km of water supply system in Călăraşi town will be rehabilitated and extended to which over 875 households will be connected. Also, as part of the project, the chlorination station for drinking water in Călăraşi will be reconstructed. In addition, 5 km of sewage system will be rehabilitated to which 234 households will get connected. The total investment of the water supply and sanitation project in Călăraşi town is of 1.72 million EUR, of which 1.37 million EUR is provided by the EU and 353,000 EUR – local contribution. Approximately 1,500 of Călăraşi inhabitants will benefit from drinking water supply services and 5700 from sewage services.
The projects “Increasing Energy Efficiency of the ‘Ion Vatamanu’ Lyceum from Străşeni Municipality” and “Improving Water Supply and Sanitation services in the Călăraşi town” are funded by the European Union. They are implemented in cooperation with the project “Modernisation of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ (Moldova), in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment (AMRRDE), and financially supported by the German Government (BMZ).