DG NEAR Deputy Director-General and EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova visit EUBAM HQ in Odesa
On 5 June 2021, Deputy Director-General at Directorate-General Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), Ms. Katarína Mathernová, together with the European Union Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, H.E. Peter Michalko, paid a visit to the headquarters of European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) in Odesa. The enforcement of the priorities and objectives of the Mission’s working program was the main topic addressed by the two officials with the Head of EUBAM, General Slawomir Pichor.
Within this context, the Mission’s main achievements over the 15 years of activity, as well as the practical implementation arrangements for the Mission’s current mandate, in force until 30 November 2023, were discussed. The parties also tackled the implementation of the Integrated Border Management (IBM) concept in the region in the context of the national IBM strategies of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine and EU technical assistance programs. Additionally, the high officials exchanged views on the legislative initiatives towards the resumption of the criminal liability for goods smuggling in Ukraine aimed at effectively curbing the cross-border crime.
Throughout the meeting, EUBAM’s support to the settlement of the Transnistrian issue, IBM implementation and combatting cross-border crime were exemplified by concrete initiatives and measures put into effect together with the Moldovan and Ukrainian customs and border agencies.