Earth Day 2022: greening the industrial sector with EU4Environment Green Economy support
Each year on 22 April, over one billion individuals from 190 countries mobilize to support and raise awareness of the state, as well as the future of Planet Earth.
Since its first celebration in 1970 when it was founded as a day of education on environmental issues, Earth Day has become a global movement, sparking great esteem and commitment across individuals, international organisations, businesses, and governments alike. Moreover, in recent years, the movement gained important traction, particularly thanks to new digital tools, cross-country initiatives, and wider visibility of success stories and projects that unite regions under one common scope.
Such initiatives, be they individual or collective, grand or small, not only help reduce pollution and reach the global goals of the EU 2050 strategy on Net-Zero emissions, among others; they also educate the public and create a new generation of active and responsible citizens, workers, and leaders in the mitigation of climate change. This is the example of several Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from the Eastern Partner (EaP) region of the European Union, which with EU4Environment support become symbolic ambassadors for the promotion of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP).
Making use of the RECP methodology available either on an individual basis (through the training of national experts and the assessment of industrial enterprises) or in clusters of companies (residing in the same Industrial Parks or specifically organised as RECP Clubs), representatives of various manufacturing enterprises and professionals learn to embrace cleaner production and means to improve their resource efficiency. As a multiplier effect, RECP reduces costs, waste, and pollution, while improving general production, the working environment of employees, and increasing overall competitiveness.
By continuously investing in resource efficiency, SMEs are taking actions to reduce their resource and environmental footprint, right from the source. They are also revising their production in a holistic manner and are showing that it is not only possible to use fewer resources and generate less waste – but it is the smart thing to do.
On Earth Day and not only, the Planet is asking for bold, innovative and sustainable actions which include governments, businesses, and citizens alike. More vigorous partnerships are needed, as well as initiatives like industrial symbiosis to promote Circular Economy across manufacturers and enterprises. Thus, new combined actions and information can be generated to remove barriers and increase awareness of the value industries allocate to raw materials, production, and wastes; because Earth Day is not only a day of celebration, but a dedicated movement which will last in the long-term.