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Eastern partner countries review eID and trust services at eTrust Network event

Recent developments and upcoming activities in the area of electronic identification (eID) and trust services were the topics of a virtual eTrust Network event on 3 May 2023. The EU4Digital Facility organised the event to focus on eTrust and Cross-border Digital Services activities in the Eastern partner countries. Representatives from Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Azerbaijan and Ukraine joined the event to review progress and plans. 

The event served as a space for the Eastern partner countries to share their recent developments in eID and trust services. 

Relating to the eID and trust services topic, Vicente Andreu Navarro, the European Commission representative of DG CNECT, presented upcoming changes to eIDAS Regulation and the European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet. The EUDI Wallet aims to promote trusted digital identities for all Europeans, enabling users to have control of their online interactions and presence.

In alignment with these efforts, the EU4Digital Facility seeks to enable secure and mutually recognised eID and trust services in the Eastern partner countries. EU4Digital supports the process of drafting mutual recognition agreements between Eastern partner countries, based on the eTrust framework and eIDAS principles. Also, pilots will be launched to test cross-border authentication between participating countries. The pilot initiative will allow testing of operational readiness, compatibility and the use of eID in specific areas before widespread adoption, while also identifying potential breakthrough areas for eID and electronic service implementation. The EU4Digital Facility remains committed to supporting the Eastern partner countries in their pursuit of secure and mutually recognised eID and trust services. 

Further information: Eastern partner countries review eID and trust services at eTrust Network event – EU4Digital (