EcoLogic of the future – students’ engagement for a healthier environment
The last game of the Intellectual Games Championship took place in Congaz on 21 May. The event was organised within the project “EcoLogic of the Future”, implemented by CSO “Association of Intellectual Games in the Republic of Moldova”, EU grant beneficiary within the project “Citizens empowerment in the Republic of Moldova”. The pupils from 17 educational institutions in ATU Gagauzia competed in the championship, and the best 12 teams representing 10 educational institutions from 6 localities of ATU Ggauzia participated in its final game. The grand prizes consisted in full equipment of the biology classroom.
Since September 2020, the Association of Intellectual Games in the Republic of Moldova has organized interactive activities for pupils. Over 300 girls and boys aged 14 to 16 actively participated and competed in two types of activities – paper waste collection and intellectual games on environmental protection, water supply and sanitation, solid waste management, energy efficiency.
Within the paper waste collection contest, 51 690 kg of waste was collected, and 88 873 lei were obtained through their recycling. With these funds, over 1 500 tree seedlings were purchased, which the students planted in their localities during a joint event on 9 April.
According to the results of the paper waste collection activity and each stage of the intellectual games, the teams obtained points, and during the final game the winning teams were identified. Three teams have been awarded and three schools which will have biology classrooms equipped are:
- Theoretical high school “Gavril Gaidarji”, Comrat municipality;
- Theoretical high school „S.I. Baranovchi”, Copceac village; Ceadir-Lunga raion;
- Theoretical high school „S.P. Economova”, Etulia village, Vulcănești raion.
The project “EcoLogic of the Future” is implemented by the AO “Association of intellectual games in the Republic of Moldova” in partnership with the General Directorate of Education of ATU Gagauzia, within the Local Grants Program of the European Union.
The Local Grants Programme is launched on the basis of the Single Support Framework for European Union (EU) support to Moldova (2017-2020) within the European Neighbourhood Instrument through the Action “Citizens’ Empowerment in the Republic of Moldova” (2019 -2021) and implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ. The project partners for the ATU Gagauzia development region are AO European Center “Pro-Europe” in Comrat and CONTACT Centre.