Energy Day celebrated in Cantemir under theme “Climate is changing, but what about you?”
An interactive program, with exhibition, quiz, awards and good mood, was organised to mark the Energy Day in Cantemir town. During the event, the most awaited moment was the award ceremony of the active participants within the EU-funded project “Strengthening Local Capacities for Implementing a Sustainable Energy Strategy in Cantemir (CCLISED)”. Thus, diplomas and prizes were received by those who actively participated in the contest on collecting plastic caps “Happy Caps”, “Energy Management” lessons and the drawing contest „Climate is changing, but you?”.
Evghenii Gîrlea, Deputy Director of the Agency for Energy Efficiency (AEE), who spoke about the support provided by AEE for the thermal rehabilitation of the Gymnasium “Mihai Eminescu” in Cantemir.
“We thank all students and teachers for their active involvement. You have demonstrated that the empowerment program for young citizens was not only necessary and expected, but also that you will continue it, so that the city of Cantemir becomes better, more efficient and environmentally friendly”, remarked Irina Plis, President of the Alliance for Energy Efficiency and Renewables (AEER).
Energy Day has become a tradition in the town of Cantemir and is organised annually, celebrating sustainable energy and the protection of the environment. Cantemir is a signatory of the European flagship initiative Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
AO The Alliance for Energy Efficiency and Renewables is the beneficiary of the Local Grants Program of the European Union and implements the project “Strengthening local capacities for the implementation of the strategy for sustainable energy in Cantemir” in partnership with the Center for Educational and Community Development. The local grant program is launched on the basis of the Single EU Support Framework for the Republic of Moldova (2017-2020) under the European Neighbourhood Instrument, through the project „Empowering the citizens of the Republic of Moldova” (2019-2021), funded by European Union and implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The project partner for the Southern Region is the Public Association “CONTACT-Cahul” Center.