Erasmus+ in the Republic of Moldova
I am not a student, but I’d love to take part in an activity abroad – are there any opportunities for me?
Yes, it can! Have you heard of Erasmus+? Through this programme, the EU offers student international credit mobilities in European universities at bachelor, master and doctoral levels – the mobilities will be part of the programme you are following at your home university and can last between 2 and 12 months. And your expenses will be covered! You can also apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship to study for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) programme offered by consortia of the world’s top universities.
More than 3,300 university students and staff from the Republic of Moldova were able to study or teach in Europe as part of Erasmus+ international credit mobilities projects between 2014 and 2023, while overall 40 Moldovan students earned EMJMD scholarships – it’s definitely worth a try!
It sounds like Erasmus+ is a good opportunity for me, but how can I apply?
For student mobilities, visit the international relations office at your university – they will tell you which opportunities are available in your subject and will help you to apply. In most cases you’ll have to apply with a CV, transcript of records, motivation letter, and foreign language certificate.
For an EMJMD degree, you need to check out the catalogue of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, which lists the programmes offering Erasmus+ scholarships in the upcoming academic year (there are currently 206 courses), then visit the master programme website to apply online for the scholarship.
The National Erasmus+ Office in the Republic of Moldova is there to help you with any information. You can check out their website, Facebook page, or email them at erasmusplus@erasmusplus.md for more information.
What about language? Do I need some sort of English certificate?
For international credit mobilities, it depends on where you will be studying and in which language the course is taught. Most European universities offer courses in English, while some will be taught in the local language. Remember that taking part in an Erasmus+ mobility means you need to follow lectures, write essays, and take exams in the language of instruction.
Before leaving, all exchange students must take an Erasmus+ online language assessment. The assessment results do not prevent you taking part in the programme, but can be used to identify if you need support, which is available through Erasmus+ online language support. In some cases, the host university may also offer language classes.
Перед отъездом все студенты по обмену должны пройти онлайн-тестирование по языку Erasmus+. Результат это теста не помешает вам принять участие в программе, но может быть использован для того, чтобы понять, нужна ли вам языковая онлайн-поддержка программы. В некоторых случаях принимающий университет может также предложить языковые курсы.
Will I receive a scholarship? How much?
Yes! For international credit mobilities, the EU covers the travel expenses and offers a scholarship of €800-900 a month, depending on your destination country.
For the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree scholarship winners, Erasmus+ will cover all the study costs, including tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to student participation in the course. It will also contribute to the travel and installation costs and will include a monthly scholarship of €1,000 for the entire duration of the study programme.
Is the programme accessible to students with special needs?
All Erasmus+ actions are open to people with special needs. Moreover, inclusion has been set as priority within the newly launched Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme. It aims at promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to learners with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities.
It means, for example, that additional funding is available for participants with physical, mental or health-related conditions via the Erasmus+ special needs support. In preparation of the Erasmus+ mobility period, a participant with special needs should indicate in the application her/his necessities and extra costs in order to be considered for the Erasmus+ support grant. Consequently, the higher education institution and/or National Agency will assess the application and will decide on the additional amount the applicant may receive.
What are the benefits of Erasmus+? Is it easy to find a good job afterwards?
Many international studies have shown the benefit of studying abroad under Erasmus+. The programme’s alumni have more chance of finding a job, tend to be given greater professional responsibility and are more likely to start their own company.
But talk to any Erasmus+ alumnus and what they remember most are the personal skills they have developed – the knowledge of other countries, the ability to interact with people from different cultures, greater communication skills, adaptability, and above all the friends they have made and the new perspective on life that they have gained.
The best endorsement comes from those who have already experienced Erasmus+ – meet Cristian, Irina and Corina to find out what the programme meant for them… Also find out precious tips on how to apply and make the most of the mobility experience from this video spot.
Talking of jobs, I hear Erasmus+ also offers chances for work placements in Europe – is this really true?
Yes, Erasmus+ supports work placements and internships abroad for bachelor, masters and doctoral students. But your traineeship must be relevant to your degree and, wherever possible, be integrated in your study programme, so check the opportunities with your university’s international relations office. Work placements can last between two and twelve months, and Erasmus+ grants are available to cover your costs.
I am not a student, but I’d love to take part in an activity abroad – are there any opportunities for me?
Yes! Erasmus+ is not just for students. From 2014-2020, more than 4,600 young peopleand youth workers from the Republic of Moldova have participated in joint Erasmus+ Youth projects (exchanges, trainings, policy debate, volunteering).
The EU offers youth exchanges, open to anyone between the ages of 13 and 30, lasting between 5 and 21 days. These could involve workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, outdoor activities and more. These exchanges take place through youth organisations and you cannot apply directly as an individual. To find out more, contact the Erasmus+ Youth Info Centre in the Republic of Moldova by visiting their Facebook page, by phone (+373) 69 110076 or email to info.moldova@salto-youth.net.
Another great opportunity to gain experience abroad is by volunteering in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps programme. This is a unique way to experience different cultures and make new friends, while also helping others and learning new skills. You need to be between 17 and 30 and be willing to spend between two weeks and 12 months abroad. Volunteer projects could be in fields as varied as culture, youth, sports, children, cultural heritage, arts, animal welfare or the environment. Find out how to apply on the European Solidarity Corps portal.