EU and Team Europe provide grants for digital transformation of the businesses and public institutions in the south of Moldova

On 20 May 2023, as part of Europe Day festivities in Leova – students and their parents, teachers, the European Union and German Ambassadors, and many other guests celebrated the inauguration of the renovated ‘Constantin Spataru’ Lyceum building.
Thanks to EU-funded investments in solar panels, improved thermal insulation, new windows, improved heating and ventilation systems, the lyceum will now consume only one third of the energy previously used.
Igor Grosu, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova: „The European Union means beautiful schools, it means bridges, it means everything we see as beautiful, roads, renovations, that’s the European Union. The European Union also means something that is intangible, but very important, and that is peace. It means respect for people, freedom to speak your mind, to live freely, to fulfil your potential. This is what we want, not just to have beautiful roads and schools, but to be able to realise our own dreams.”
Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova: „I am glad that, thanks to the financial support of the European Union for the renovation of Constantin Spătaru Lyceum in Leova, students and teachers will have a better learning environment. This is a significant achievement because investing in youth means investing in a better future for the Republic of Moldova. The European Union has contributed almost forty million euros (40 million euros) to support access to local public services for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. In this respect, the renovation of Constantin Spătaru Lyceum serves as an outstanding example of how we can save energy through investments in solar panels, improved insulation, new windows and better heating and ventilation.”
Margret Uebber, German Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova: „I am happy we can inaugurate the ‘Constantin Spataru’ Lyceum, which has been renovated under the EU-funded Energy Efficiency project, on this special day when we celebrate Europe Day in Leova. The project stands for the close and efficient cooperation between the EU, Germany and Moldova, together with the local regional development structures. The project has been accompanied by capacity development and energy management measures supported by the German Government. I am sure that it will help to create a better and beneficial environment for generations of students.”

‘Constantin Spataru’ Theoretical Lyceum was renovated and improved its energy efficiency following 15 investment measures. The total value of the projectis around 62.28 million lei, of which 60.48 million lei is EU funding and 1.8 million lei – co-financing from the Leova Rayon Council and Leova City Hall.
The investment measure „Increasing Energy Efficiency of ‘Constantin Spataru’ Theoretical Lyceum in the town of Leova” is funded by the European Union and implemented by South RDA under the „Construction of water supply and sanitation infrastructure as well as energy efficiency in public buildings” project. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ (Moldova) in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development. The total budget of the project is 39.8 million euros.