„EU for Rural Moldova” campaign – results and opportunities of European Union assistance for the development of rural localities in the Republic of Moldova
The “EU for Rural Moldova” campaign continues to present the results and opportunities for the development of rural areas, offered by the European Union for localities in the Republic of Moldova. Thus, during March– May 2021, a series of events were organised, as described below.
It was relaunched the series of LIVE tours to successful SMEs, in which we promoted successful businesses created in rural areas with the support of the EU. The purpose of these events was to inspire rural citizens to access EU-funded assistance programs to open their own businesses. The tours were organized at 8 entrepreneurs in the localities: Calarasi, Bacioi, Rezina, Bardar, Leordoaia, Ungheni, Razeni and Micleuseni.

Another activity organised within the “EU for Rural Moldova” campaign was the communication online event “Integrated Development of Agricultural Technical Vocational Education“, organized on 19 April. The topic of the discussion was the improvement of innovation and education capacities in the field of agriculture, as well as strengthening of the capacities of VET institutions, research, development and innovation organizations in agriculture in the Republic of Moldova, carried out with the support of the European Union, within the EU project “Development of rural areas in the Republic of Moldova” (DevRAM) Part I, implemented by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) in partnership with the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA and Donau Soja.
The development and promotion of soybean cultivation are the main objectives of DevRAM project, Part I, funded by the EU and implemented by ADA in partnership with Donau Soja and PRO DIDACTICA. The importance and potential of soybean cultivation in the Republic of Moldova was discussed during the communication online event “Integrated Soybean Production“, organised during the campaign “EU for Rural Moldova” on 13 May in partnership with Donau Soja.

Another area of assistance for the European Union is the development of agriculture and the support of agricultural education. In this sense, on 17 May was launched a new series of LIVE tours, organised within 4️ technical vocational education institutions that have benefited from the support of the EU in recent years, through the DevRAM project, namely:
- On 17 May Center for Excellence in Services and Food Processing in Balti,
- 20 May Agroindustrial College in Ungheni,
- 24 May Vocational School in Bubuieci,
27 May Center of Excellence in Horticulture and Agricultural Technologies in Taul