EU grants for the creation and development of business support hubs
The signing ceremony of the grant contracts with the organisations selected within the Grants Competition „Creation and Development of Business Support Hubs” took place on 6 July 2021. This initiative is part of “Local civil society contributes to the inclusive and sustainable economic development of the country” project, funded by the European Union and co-funded by Sweden, implemented by the East Europe Foundation in partnership with the European Business Association and the Contact Center. The project activities are carried out during 2021-2024.
Three of the six winning organisations will create new business support hubs, while the other three will develop existing centers, launched in the previous project carried out in 2018-2020 funded by the European Union and co-funded by Sweden.
The following CSOs are the winners of the competition:
1.“EcoVisio”, Chisinau; “Social Entrepreneurs HUB” project;
2. «Агентство Инноваций и Развития»/ Innovation Development Agency (IDEA), Tiraspol; project “Center for Business Support and Development in Transnistria” (Business Hub);
3. «Ассоциация бизнесменов Гагаузии “NEXT”»/ “NEXT” Business Association, Comrat; “BusinessHUB”- Business Support Center project
4. “Asociaţia Femeilor de Afaceri din Municipiul Bălţi”/ Association of Business Women from Balt”; “Business Skills Hub” project;
5. Agenţia Regională de Dezvoltare Durabilă Orhei/Regional Agency for Sustainable Development in Orhei; “Orhei Business Support Center – promoter of small and medium business development” project;
6. Foundation “Youth Development for Innovation” (Y4I), Chisinau; project “Youth4Entrepreneurship – business support center for young entrepreneurs”.
The purpose of the business support centers is to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region in its activity by training them in various trainings, mentoring sessions, guidance and consulting. Business support centers will continuously identify the needs of SMEs and undertake lobbying and advocacy activities to address legislative shortcomings. Business support centers will assist and consult at least 200 SMEs and provide support in digitizing services, especially in the context of the pandemic. Also, each business support center will offer at least 6 small grants to SMEs up to 2000 euros each.
As a result of the project, the six business support centers will become business consulting centers at regional level and will continue their activity after the end of the project by providing paid services to SMEs and potential entrepreneurs in the region.