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EU Green Week 2021 – “Zero Pollution – for Healthier People and Planet” – marked in the Republic of Moldova

On 31 May 2021, the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova launched the European Green Week 2021 Campaign under the theme “Zero Pollution for Healthier People and Planet.”

From 31 May to 5 June, the EU Green Week 2021 information campaign addressing children, youth and general public aimed to highlight and focus on the importance of the environment and the responsibility that each of us is bearing for humanity’s health and future. European Green Week information campaign covered a series of awareness raising activities, demonstrating success stories and best practices to decrease pollution and promote green economic development in the Republic of Moldova under EU Assistance programmes and projects, as well as other activities through online platforms and media. The campaign was concluded by marking the World Environment Day which is celebrated annually on 5 June 2021.

In 2021, the theme of the EU Green Week is “Zero Pollution for Healthier People and Planet” – a concern that is both urgent and existential. Pollution affects everybody – through the air we breathe, the water we drink or the land we grow our food on. It is the largest environmental cause of multiple mental and physical diseases, and of premature deaths, especially among children, people with certain medical conditions and the elderly. But pollution does not affect everybody equally. People who live in more deprived areas very often live close to contaminated sites or in areas where there is a very high flow of traffic. Pollution is also one of the main reasons for the loss of biodiversity. It reduces the ability of ecosystems to provide services such as carbon sequestration and decontamination.

World Environment Day is the most renowned day for environmental action. Since 1974, it has been celebrated every year on 5 June, engaging governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue. 

The EU is a global leader in environmental protection. Environment also represents one of the key priority areas of EU support in the Republic of Moldova.  Within last years a number of measures have been undertaken in the country with the aim of implementing legislation and relevant policy documents, in line with modern standards and the EU-Moldova Association Agreement (AA) requirements.

The EU Assistance in the Republic of Moldova has been working on the unlocking opportunities for greener growth, improving waste management and water infrastructure, and setting mechanisms to better manage environmental risks and impacts within EU4Environment and EU4Climate regional projects, as well as through initiative under specific environment and energy efficiency related projects.

To follow the EU Green Week activities, please visit:

The message of the EU Ambassador on the occasion of EU Green Week 2021 could be viewed here:

Romanian version:

Russian version: