EU support for LAGs initiatives: farmer from Ocnița returned home and developed a business
For ten years, Iurie Lupu worked abroad, and in 2011, he returned home, in Hadarauti, Ocnita, where he opened a pork farm. He would like to expand his business, but he has no one to work with – all the work is on Iurie and his wife, Svetlana.
As Iurie is a mechanical engineer by profession, and Svetlana is a teacher, things have to be done according “to the book”. However, the main rule in Svetlana and Iurie Lupu’s family is respect and care for piglets. Although they have few animals, their business is going well. However, due to the lack of a specially arranged space, the business was quite difficult. Iurie applied with a project to the contest organised by the Local Action Group (LAG) “33 de Vaduri”.
The evaluation committee assessed Iurie’s proposal and approved the funding. Recently, he installed new boxes with space for pigs, and thus managed to reduce losses by 30%.
Beneficiary of the contest organised by LAG “33 de Vaduri”:
- LAG contribution: 32,500 lei
- Personal contribution: 17,500 lei
- Purpose of funding: purchasing boxes for pork farm
- Location: Hadarauti.
The project “Civil society engagement in improving the rural development processes and promotion of efficient models for sustainable local development” is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova “FARM”, in partnership with the Federation of Farmers “Farmer”, Romania, NGO “Worshop for Solutions”, Latvia, and the National Network LEADER from the Republic of Moldova.