EU supports the Republic of Moldova to improve its greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting system
The Republic of Moldova is planning to have a more robust system for monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reporting to specialised international bodies. A roadmap in this regard has been developed with the support of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme, within the EU4Climate project.
The document was prepared by the Austrian Environment Agency and was presented on 2 July 2021 at a public event. It identifies the main shortcomings of the national GHG monitoring and reporting system in Moldova.
The inventory details direct GHG emissions in the following sectors:
◊ Energy;
◊ Industrialprocessesandproductuse;
◊ Agriculture;
◊ Landuse,changingthecategoryoflanduseandforestry; ◊ Wastemanagement.
Also, the inventory contains the list of greenhouse gases, the evolution of which is monitored and the list of institutions that provide information.
The roadmap provides for the legislative establishment of the obligation to provide relevant information to all GHG emitters, the improvement of the data management and archiving process, the involvement of experts in data collection and training of specialists from various institutions, and the improvement of the quality insurance system. Between 1990 and 2016, GHG emissions dropped by almost 70%, mainly due to the prolonged economic crisis. Emissions from the energy sector decreased by almost 73%, the industrial sector – by 51.5%, agriculture – by 53.5%, land use by almost 40%, and waste management by 3.6%.