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EU Talks in Criuleni: Discussing the European future of Moldova

EU Talks in Criuleni: Discussing the European future of Moldova

The series of public debates EU Talks continues. At the end of July we arrived in Criuleni. The event featured the participation of the EU delegation team, representatives from EU embassies, and Ambassador Jānis Mažeiks. It brought together mayors from towns in the Criuleni district, local entrepreneurs, farmers, and civil society representatives.

Farmers from Criuleni shared their success stories, highlighting that 100% of their production is exported exclusively to the European market. The mayors expressed interest in EU funding and security zone issues, while civil society representatives focused on the transparent distribution of grants to NGOs in the regions. These grants would enable them to maintain and expand their activities. The opportunity to engage directly with the European Union team in Moldova motivated attendees to ask questions and actively participate in the dialogue.

This activity is part of the EU Talks series within the European Year of Skills and will continue in other cities and regions across the Republic of Moldova. The aim of the project is to provide more information and facilitate direct interaction between the people of Moldova and the accredited European diplomatic missions in Chisinau.