EU technical assistance to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova – work in progress
During June-August 2021, the project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” continued the implementation of the planned activities.
A group of statisticians from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and colleagues from the Lithuanian Statistical Office met online to share their experience on the structure and functioning of the National Statistical Systems during 15-18 June 2021. The event took place in the context of the Republic of Moldova modernising its national statistical system according to the EU Code of Practice and the European standards. The topics tackled covered the National Statistical System of Lithuania, the coordination and cooperation of the central statistical offices with other official statistical producers, the criteria for identifying and agreeing with other national producers of official statistics, national statistical work programmes, methodologies and quality reports, dissemination and communication of statistics within National Statistical Systems.
One of the outcomes of the above-mentioned virtual exchange of experience was the finalisation of draft amendments to Moldovan laws and finalisation of new draft legal acts related to official statistics: Draft Regulation on other producers of official statistics, Draft Regulation on public access to microdata for research purposes, amendments to the law on official statistics, and other amendments on data confidentiality, personal data protection and on access to administrative data for statistical purposes.

A roadmap for the implementation of a policy to reduce the response burden for respondents was also established in the last period, as well as the first public use file of microdata on the labour force survey conducted by the NBS with the support of an international expert in the disclosure control of statistical information.
In addition, 70 NBS employees were trained on the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and geospatial data tools for updating statistical digital maps in the field during 14 – 25 June. The participants were trained on methodological aspects for map updating processes and on the use of mobile applications for the collection of geo- referenced data on buildings and dwellings. The training took place in collaboration with the Land Relations and Cadastre Agency of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the preparations for the next Population and Housing Census of Moldova.
During June – August, substantial progress was made in relation with the introduction of the NBS staff to the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) methods.
The NBS, assisted by the project “Technical assistance to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” has progressed in developing a new website and in enriching the visual identity of the institution developing branding products, in accordance with national legislation and the best European standards applied by other European national statistical offices.