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EU4Accountability collects data on social accountability in Moldova and supports good practices from local NGOs

With the overall aim to improve social accountability of the local and central government of Moldova by strengthening the capacity of local, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to participate in, monitor, and advocate for greater public accountability and to participate in the policy dialogue with the Local Public Authorities (LPAs) and the central government, EU4Accountability collected insightful data to understand the challenges for social accountability in Moldova 

Most of the respondents of our survey (83%-CSOs, 87%-LPAs) found the experience sharing events as very useful and found knowledge acquired during the experience sharing events on participatory budgeting adequate and relevant to their work. This shows that such exchanges of experience within Moldova are really helpful to increase the skills of LPAs and CSOs staff.

The analysed data showed that 28% of the LPAs have equipment for recording meetings in the Municipality and 62% of them broadcast live Municipality meetings to record them. Investing in equipment to enable LPAs share the meetings to a wider audience is paramount to transparency of local public policy-making. EU4Accountability local partners are supported to purchase such equipment and make transparency a reality in the Republic of Moldova.

Most of the interviewed LPAs’ representatives (93%) confirmed that in the last 3 years public debates, public hearings, and public consultations have been organised in their community. Almost all of the LPAs representatives stated that the general meetings are held in the community at least annually (50%-annually, 40%-more often than once a year). These results are encouraging, as the rates of public participation are increasing all across the country. It needs civil society support to continue to grow, and for LPAs to organise such meetings more frequently.