EU4Digital publishes recommendations for eCommerce harmonisation between Eastern partner countries and the EU
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The EU4Digital Facility has published its recommendations for the harmonisation of eCommerce between the Eastern partner countries and the EU in three areas: ecosystem, legal framework and standards.
The recommendations aim to eliminate the barriers for cross-border eCommerce, to boost its volume, and to increase awareness and prepare the countries for the EU 2021 eCommerce changes.
The recommendations have already resulted in six national actions plans to be implemented by authorities of the Eastern partner countries making the necessary changes in legal and standards areas, and governmental and non-governmental stakeholders adopting the recommendations in national economy development plans for practical actions.
One of the proposed recommendations – to establish a virtual warehouse – was selected to be piloted between the Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and the EU (Germany). This project envisages that the eCommerce actors will automatically exchange information about sales, customs and delivery via the national virtual warehouses /databases of local goods.
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Reports by countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova,Ukraine