EU4Moldova: Start-up City Cahul project contributes to the strengthening of communication capacities of local State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”
The University plays an important role in providing the training to and development of the core labour force in Moldova. Regretfully, nowadays the number of students is two times fewer in comparison with the situation ten years ago, and the perspectives raise even more concerns. To enhance the attractiveness of Cahul State University, which is one of the “EU4Moldova: Start-up City Cahul” strategic stakeholders, in particular, during the admission, a Programme has been launched with the Project support to strengthen the University communication capacities. Hence, the Programme offered communication assistance and support to promote the University education supply and attract as many candidates for studies as possible.
Hence, during the Project’s first phase, a team of communication experts developed a research for auditing the University communication – the most comprehensive set to measure the efficiency of communication. It was introduced to the University representatives with the aim to implement the short-term and long-term measures and recommendations.
During the second phase, the University representatives were invited to a communication training course to improve their strategic communication skills. Those 23 participants were trained to devise communication plans, create the appropriate toolkits and choose the communication channels, digital communication, etc.
Following the training, the University took note of the advice and mentorship provided regarding the implementation of a communication plan aimed at promoting the educational offer. A communication handbook has been developed specifically for the institution, which would help the University representatives communicate in a strategic manner.