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EU4Youth awarded the winners of the competition “Social entrepreneurship – cooperation across borders”

Outstanding bloggers and vloggers from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine entered the regional competition “Social entrepreneurship – cooperation across borders” and were awarded. The media award ceremony for social entrepreneurship was organised in Kiev within the framework of the EU4Youth project – Unlocking the potential of young social entrepreneurs in Moldova and Ukraine (EUnlocking) funded by the European Union through the EU4Youth Programme.

During 2 months, more than 70 materials were entered in the competition, and the authors of the 9 best materials in the video, audio and written press categories, who received the highest score from the jury, were awarded by the organisers.

Maria Ivanova is one of the journalists from Ukraine who participated in the regional competition. The journalist says that “the competition was very useful for me personally, first of all. After all, that’s how I found out who social entrepreneurs are. It’s a trend abroad. But in Ukraine this trend is just beginning. There is no proper law and no financial support for social entrepreneurs. Active young people were the first to start such a business in our country. Many of them used to take credits from international funds. But now, thanks to the EUnlocking project, its competition and journalists, I hope things will change and more people will learn about social entrepreneurs and their businesses will develop in favourable conditions.”

Another journalist, Mariana Ionel from Moldova, was awarded in the competition. Mariana says “Social entrepreneurship is the economic model of the future. In some European countries, the future is already at home. In the Republic of Moldova, it is our common duty to promote this model, including by popularising the idea and best practices among the population. It is particularly valuable to use your chance to contribute to the development of your community in this way. We must offer “the best of us” – the theory of social entrepreneurship and any competition, including journalistic”.

The award ceremony was also attended by some of the heroes/heroines, entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine from the winning material, who shared the emotion of their job, the purpose of social entrepreneurship for the community and how precious it is to involve journalists in the development of this field.

The best entries received awards across three categories – video, audio and written press are:


Prize 1: Iulia Vrabie (Moldova) (Nepotu Irina’s story, employed at the social company Floare de Cires)

Prize 2: Lilia Andrusik (Ukraine) (Social mission – caring for others)

Prize 3: Maria Ivanova (Ukraine) (Oksana Stakhnevich, a Charity shop in the Zaporizhzhia region) and Apostu Eugenia (Moldova) (Hancu family got a taste for social entrepreneurship during an international training )


Prize 1: Iulia Vrabie (Moldova). Podcast with Sergiu Gurău on social entrepreneurship and a chance for normality for vulnerable people

Prize 2: Ivan Lyla (Ukraine) How young social entrepreneurs develop business in an environmental direction. Education of future social entrepreneurs and opportunities for all-Ukrainian and foreign cooperation.


Prize 1: Ionel Mariana (Moldova). Angela Achiței: people, environment, community, focus on young people and disadvantaged people – values promoted also at regional level 

Prize 1: Victoria Kolomiets (Ukraine) “These are not homeless; these are people.” The story of Lviv’s ‘Oselya’, which helps homeless people feel needed and start a new life

Prize 2: Galina Khalymonyk (Ukraine) Social enterprise: Libental Farm helps teenagers with difficult destinies find their way home

The regional competition was organised in Moldova and Ukraine within the framework of the EUnlocking Project, which contributes to fostering the social entrepreneurial potential of young people in Moldova and Ukraine by creating an enabling ecosystem for social enterprises, as well as inspiring and supporting more young social entrepreneurs to develop and sustain their innovative solutions for promoting social inclusion and environmental sustainability in both countries. The project is funded by the European Union through the EU4Youth Programme.

The EUnlocking project is implemented by Gustav Stresemann Institute e.V. (GSI) (Germany), Egalite International (Ukraine), AXA Management Consulting (Moldova), ECO-RAZENI Association (Moldova), CONTACT Centre (Moldova) and “Pro NGO! e.V” (Germany).