Europe Café hosted the presentation of a study report on the implementation of the UN Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security
The European Union supports women’s empowerment across all sectors. At Europe Café, we not only host art exhibitions but also working meetings and presentations of European projects.
When it comes to initiatives led by women, we pay even closer attention. On 27 January, we were pleased to join an initiative led by four women researchers, hosting the presentation of a study report on the implementation of the UN Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security in the Republic of Moldova for 2023-2027.
The study’s findings and conclusions were presented by the report’s authors:
Elena Mârzac – Strategic Communication Expert
Sanda Sandu – Security Expert
Cristina Lesnic – President of the Institute for Democracy and Development
Rodica Panța – PhD in Political Science, Research Coordinator, PISA (Platform for Security and Defence Initiatives)
The Key Findings of the Study outlined that the implementation of the Women, Peace & Security agenda faces significant challenges, including: A lack of clear financial commitment from the state, fragmented coordination mechanisms, a low level of awareness regarding the necessity of involving women in peace and security processes at both national and local levels, insufficient human and infrastructure resources to sustain long-term initiatives, limited participation of women in decision-making processes and the persistence of gender stereotypes, which continue to hinder the objectives of the National Action Plan on the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda for 2023-2027.
Recommendations for Key Stakeholders:
Public institutions – implement clear measures to support women in the security sector by providing resources and fostering an inclusive environment.
Partners and donors – support initiatives in this field through funding and specialised training to facilitate the implementation of the Women, Peace & Security Agenda.
Local public authorities – promote female leadership and integrate a gender perspective into public policies.
Civil society – continue monitoring and advocacy efforts, amplifying the voices of women leaders in the security sector.
The NAP 1325 Secretariat – ensure transparent communication and coordination among all relevant stakeholders in the programme.
Key takeaway: Only through joint efforts can we contribute to the creation of a safe and equitable environment, where women and men equally participate in the country’s peace and security processes.
The full report is available here: https://rb.gy/6p5uby
This monitoring report was developed as part of the project “Promoting the Women, Peace & Security Agenda through Strategic Communication and Monitoring”, implemented by the Platform for Security and Defence Initiatives (PISA). The project is funded through a grant from the Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR) with the support of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).