Date | Time | Event |
5 May | 10:00 | Online launch of the Europe Day 2021 with the participation of H.E. Peter Michalko, EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova and the Ambassadors of the EU Member States to the Republic of Moldova. |
Date | Event |
5-31 May | Europe Day – Team Europe on TV and in the Media |
4 May | Radio Europa Liberă / H.E. Daniel Ioniță, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Moldova |
6 May | Radio Europa Liberă / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
6 May | Radio Chișinău / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
6 May | ProTV Chișinău / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
8 May | Radio Moldova / TV show dedicated to the launching of Europe Day with the participation of the EU and the EU Member States Ambassadors |
9 May | Moldova 1 / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
10 May | Moldova 1 / H.E. Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova |
10 May | Adevărul.md / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova Peter Michalko: The EU has provided Moldova 1 billion euros in grants over the past 10 years |
10 May | TVR Moldova / Fighting together COVID-19 |
10 May | Jurnal FM / H.E. Stella Avallone, Ambassador of Austria to the Republic of Moldova |
12 May | NordNews / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
12 May | TV Cimișlia / H.E. Floris Van Eijk, Ambassador of the Netherlands |
12 May | TVR Moldova / UE for Peace and Unity |
12 May | TVR Moldova / Aspiration for peace, prosperity and unity. EU priorities in foreign policy |
13 May | TVR Moldova/ Trade development and economic integration of the Republic of Moldova in the community’s space |
13 May | Jurnal FM / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
13 May | Moldova 1 / H.E. Floris Van Eijk, Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Republic of Moldova |
14 May | Radio Chișinău / H.E. Marjut Akola, Ambassador of Finland to Romania |
14 May | TV Cimișlia / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova (RO) TV show “Ora locală” |
14 May | TVR Moldova / European Music Week: unique cultural events |
14 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of Polond to the Republic of Moldova Ambassador of Poland to Moldova: Politicians have a chance to respond to citizens’ wishes |
14 May | NordNews / H.E. Floris Van Eijk, Ambassador of the Nertherlands to the Republic of Moldova Floris Van Eijk: Corruption – one of the biggest problems of the Republic of Moldova |
16 May | TV8 / H.E. Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania (RO) TV show “Efect 9.6” |
16 May | Drochia TV / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
17 May | BTV / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambasaador of Poland to the Republica Moldova |
17 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambasaador of Poland to the Republica Moldova |
18 May | NordNews / H.E. Floris Van Eijk, Ambassador of the Netherlands (RO) INTERVIEW // Floris Van Eijk: Corruption – one of the biggest problems of the Republic of Moldova |
18 May | NewsMaker / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
19 May | BTV / E.S. H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova (RU) TV show Dialog |
19 May | NordNews / EU Ambassadors’ visit to the University of Balti |
19 May | BTV / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of Poland to the Republic of Moldova |
20 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambasaador of Poland to the Republica Moldova |
21 May | TVR Moldova / European Film and Culture Festival 2021 |
21 May | Radio Chișinău / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
21 May | NordNews / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova Uldis Mikuts: Knowing the official language of the state in which you live in is mandatory |
21 May | Radio Europa Liberă / H.E. Floris Van Eijk, Ambassador of the Netherlands Floris Van Eijk: „The EU is the largest donor to the Republic of Moldova” |
21 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Maria Kapitanovic, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Croatia to Romania TV show Matinalii „Croatia looks forward to expanding the cooperation with the Republic of Moldova” |
22 May | Radio Moldova / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova Interview with the Ambassador of Latvia in Chisinau, Uldis Mikuts The audio version of the show „Moldova și Lumea” is available here (min 12:50) |
24 May | NordNews / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
24 May | Moldova 1 / H.E. Stella Avallone, Ambassador of Austria to the Republic of Moldova |
24 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Floris Van Eijk, Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Republic of Moldova |
24 May | Studio-L / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
25 May | Radio Europa Liberă / Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova |
26 May | Cotidianul.md / H.E. Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova |
26 May | Deschide.md / H.E. Pascal le Deunff, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova |
26 May | Jurnal FM / H.E. Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova Interview with the new Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova, Kęstutis Kudzmanas |
27 May | Radio Chișinău / H.E. Pascal le Deunff, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova |
27 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova |
27 May | Bălți TV / H.E. Pascal le Deunff, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova Dialoguing with the Ambassador of France in Chisinau, Pascal le Deunff |
28 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
29 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova |
30 May | Radio Chișinău / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of Poland to the Republic of Moldova |
30 May | ATV / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
30 May | TVR Moldova / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of Poland to the Republic of Moldova |
30 May | NordNews / H.E. Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova Kestutis Kudzmanas: The European market needs Moldova’s wine industry |
31 May | Agora.md / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of Poland to the Republic of Moldova Moldova-Poland relations and the European pathway of the Republic of Moldova |
31 May | Moldova 1 / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
31 May | Europa Liberă / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of Poland to the Republic of Moldova Ambassador of Poland Bartłomiej Zdaniuk: “If you want a system that works, you have to pay taxes” |
1 June | Cotidianul.md / H.E. Kestutis Kudzmanas, Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova |
1 June | The premiere of the song “Ode to Europe” by Maestro Eugen Doga, dedicated to Europe Day 2021 |
1 June | NordNews / H.E. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of Poland to the Republic of Moldova |
1 June | TVR Moldova / H.E. Marija Kapitanović, Ambassador of Croatia to the Republic of Moldova and Romania |
2 June | Cotidianul.md / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
2 June | NewsMaker / H.E. Pascal le Deunff, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova Interview with H.E. Pascal le Deunff, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova |
2 June | NordNews / H.E. Anna Lyberg, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova Anna Lyberg: “Moldova has a very strategic central location in Europe” |
4 June | Esp.md / H.E. Pascal le Deunff, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova |
4 June | Albasat.md / H.E. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova |
7 June | Moldova 1 / H.E. Anna Lyberg, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova |
14 June | TVR Moldova / H.E. Pascal le Deunff, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova Ambassador of France to Chisinau: Paris hopes the elections in July will be fair, free and honest |
14 June | TVR Moldova / H.E. Angela Ganninger, Ambassador of Germany to the Republic of Moldova |
Date | Description |
10-31 May | Media campaign dedicated to the EU Assistance for the Republic of Moldova |
7 May | Gazeta de Chișinău / EU: Helped by Poland, Oniscani residents create “city-like conditions” UE/Ajutați de Polonia, locuitorii din Onișcani și-au creat „condiții ca la oraș” (FOTO) |
10 May | Moldova 1 / News bulletin https://www.facebook.com/dumitru.roscovan/posts/10220968002938379 |
11 May | TVR Moldova / EU support for Education and the Environment |
11 May | Ziua de azi / Casa Bunicii Pension – business in rural tourism, initiated with EU support Pensiunea Casa Bunicii – afacere în turism rural, inițiată cu suportul UE // VIDEO |
12 May | Ziua de azi / European Union support for the southern area: a photo exhibition was organised in Cahul Suportul Uniunii Europene pentru zona de sud. La Cahul a fost deschisă o expoziție de fotografii |
12 May | TVR Moldova / TV show „Obiectiv Comun”, Erasmus+ Programme |
13 May | TVR Moldova / TV show Matinalii, Erasmus+ Programme https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=302804611286057&ref=watch_permalink |
13 May | Ziua de azi / Launching a mobile repair shop for heavy cars. The story of Alexandru – a young entrepreneur from Zârnești |
14 May | Unimedia / Oleg Cara: “In recent years, the National Bureau of Statistics launched a series of activities to modernise the production and dissemination of statistical information in line with international and European standards.” Suportul Uniunii Europene pentru zona de sud. La Cahul a fost deschisă o expoziție de fotografii |
18 May | TVR Moldova / AGREED, Transparent and participatory governance |
19 May | TVR Moldova / European funds for agriculture in the Republic of Moldova |
19 May | NordNews / Four EU diplomats inspected the rehabilitation works of the “Dimitrie Cantemir” high school in Bălți Four EU diplomats inspected the rehabilitation works of the “Dimitrie Cantemir” high school in Bălți |
20 May | TVR Moldova / EU programmes for small and medium-sized enterprises |
20 May | Gazeta de Chișinău / More than 900 students will study in a renovated school with EU funds. The energy efficiency of a high school in Balti will be increased |
20 May | TVR Moldova / Better study conditions for the students of the Theoretical High School “Dimitrie Cantemir” from Bălţi, thanks to the EU |
27 May | TVR Moldova / TV show „Obiectiv Comun”, LEADER approach |
31 May | Radio Chișinău / Europe Days | Ecologist: Politicians focus on short-term benefits: Better a beautiful pavement in the center of Chisinau than a park (audio), EU4Environment |
Date | Time | Event |
09 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Online launch of the Europe Day 2021 with the participation of H.E. Peter Michalko, EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova and the Ambassadors of the EU Member States to the Republic of Moldova. |
10 May | 19:00 Privesc.eu | Concert “Pulse of Minimalism” by Lithuanian composer Gediminas Gelgotas, offered by the Embassy of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova |
11 May | 19:00 Privesc.eu | A window to Spanish Culture, offered by the Embassy of Spain to Romania |
12 May | 19:00 Privesc.eu | Concert by Aureum Saxophon Quartett, offered by Embassy of Austria to the Republic of Moldova |
12 May | 19:30 Privesc.eu | Concert by Jazz musician Leonhard Skorupa and Sketchbook Quartett (offered by Embassy of Austria to the Republic of Moldova) |
13 May | 19:00 Privesc.eu | Concert by Gaudeamus Quartet Brașov Philharmonic (offered by Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova and Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chisinau) |
14 May | 19:30 Privesc.eu | |
15 May | 19:00 Privesc.eu | Concert by Romanian Youth Orchestra (offered by Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova and Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chisinau) |
16 May | 19:00 Privesc.eu | JAZZ’n Chisinau International Festival music concert |
16 May | 21:20 Moldova 1 | The concert “Music knows no borders. Franz Schottky visiting friends” (offered by the Embassy of Germany to the Republic of Moldova) |
Date | Time | Event |
10 May | social media | A photo about Team Europe / European Union Assistance in my locality! (EU4You) |
11 May | 12:00 | EU Debates Café on digital age (EU4Digital) |
12 May | social media | Sculpture contest “EU-Moldova: Stronger Together” (EU4Culture) |
17 May | 13:00 | Arduino masterclass (EU4Digital) |
22 May | 14:00 Privesc.eu | Europe Quiz (EU4Youth) |
29 May | 11:00 Privesc.eu | European food masterclass – countries in the North of the European Union A special edition on European cuisine featuring traditional food from the countries in the North of the European Union, led by a professional chef. |
30 May | 18:30 Privesc.eu | European food masterclass – countries in the South of the European Union A food show about traditional dishes from the countries in the South of the European Union. |
31 May | 18:30 Privesc.eu | European food masterclass – countries in the Centre of the European Union A masterclass showcasing food and culinary traditions of the countries in the Centre of the European Union. |
Date | Time | Event |
06 May | 10:00 Căpriana, Strășeni | Opening of the Religious Museum at Capriana Monastery within the Cross Border Cooperation Project “Enhancement of Capriana Monastery for the Promotion of the Unique Ecclesiastic Heritage by Cross-border Cooperation and Digitisation” (EU4Culture) |
09 May | 9:30 Strășeni, Vorniceni, Lozova | “Eco energy” velo-marathon, dedicated to Europe Day and Energy Day (EU4Environment) |
12 May | 11:00 | |
12 May | 11:00 | ASEM EU Information Centre marking its 10 years Anniversary, online video conference (EU4Youth) |
12 May | 14:00 | Launching of the New Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 in the Republic of Moldova. Features of the call for proposals in 2021 (EU4Youth) |
13 May | 11:00 | |
13 May | 11:30 | |
14 May | 11:30 | 10 years anniversary of EU Information Centre based in Balti University (EU4Youth) |
14 May | 13:00 | |
17 May | 14:00 | Start-up city Cahul event on digital transformation (EU4Digital) |
24 May | 14:00 | Launching of the Joboteca – a pilot programme for young people in the Republic of Moldova for accessing the labour market, implemented by Terre des hommes (EU4Youth) |
12 June | 09:30 | The oina game will include an introductory masterclass, followed by the game itself in two rounds. Between breaks, folk ensembles and artists will perform. |
Date | Description |
06-31 May | The network of European Union Information Centres and Euroclubs will be organising events at the local level, including flash-mobs, online workshops and conferences, creative contests, cultural online events, exhibitions, and many other activities. |
Date | Time | Event |
17 May | 18:00 Social media | Virtual exhibition of posters within the campaigns carried out in Spain in order to eliminate violence against women, offered by the Spanish Embassy in Romania |
17 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Take my eyes”, offered by the Embassy of Spain to Romania |
18 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Grenzfälle (Border cases)”, offered by the Embassy of Austria to the Republic of Moldova |
19 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Supermarsu”, offered by the Embassy of Finland to Romania |
20 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Sing Street”, offered by the Embassy of Ireland to Romania |
21 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | The story follows a filmmaker, who is about to embark on the shoot of a new film, while his life is sent into a tailspin by the return of a former lover… |
22 May | 12:15 Jurnal TV | Film “Sing Street”, offered by the Embassy of Ireland to Romania |
22 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Svetlé miesto (Bright spot)”, offered by the Embassy of Slovakia to the Republic of Moldova A film about luminaries of political, cultural and social life in the Moravian/ Slovak borderlands, where the early 1900s saw a historic blossoming of the rapport between Czechs and Slovaks. Luhačovice, the first Austro- Hungarian spa town under Czech control, was home to a celebration of Slavic culture, a place where major talents and intellects joined forces to build a modern spa with a Slavic spirit. |
22 May | 21:00 TVR MOLDOVA | Film “Cărturan”, offered by the Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova and Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chisinau |
23 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Le fidèle (Racer and the Jailbird)”, offered by the Embassy of Belgium to Romania Set against the background of a brutal crime gang in Brussels, the film depicts a tragic love story between Gigi, a high-flying gangster, and Bibi, a young racing driver. |
23 May | 22:20 Moldova 1 | Film “Berliner”, offered by the Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova and Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chisinau |
23 May | 22:00 TV8 | Film “Walking Too Fast”, offered by the Embassy of Czech Republic to the Republic of Moldova |
23 May | 23:00 Jurnal TV | Film “Le fidèle (Racer and the Jailbird)”, offered by the Embassy of Belgium to Romania |
24 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | With little time to live, Cărturan, a 60-year-old man, tries to fix the most important aspects of his life. |
26 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Grenzfälle (Border cases)”, offered by the Embassy of Austria to the Republic of Moldova The documentary features Austrian author Robert Menasse and legendary mountain climber Reinhold Messner walking along the border between Austria and Italy in the high mountains of the Alps, philosophizing on the meaning of borders between the two countries and in Europe and the world in general. |
25 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “The Mouse Story”, offered by the Embassy of Greece to Romania The everyday life and troubles of Yorgos Armouse, a human sized mouse living among people, as he struggles to cope with daily challenges. |
27 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Walking Too Fast”, offered by the Embassy of Czech Republic to the Republic of Moldova The story revolves around Antonín Rusnák who is an StB agent. He feels rage towards the world. He feels sick and bored from his family and work. His psychological issues cause him breathing problems and his doctor advises him to breathe into a bag… |
28 May | 20:30 Privesc.eu | Film “80% unfit”, offered by the Embassy of the Netherlands to the Republic of Moldova Mari Sanders has been in a wheelchair since he was a child. At school he was told that his dream of becoming a filmmaker was beautiful, but that it would be better to be more realistic about his future. “80% unfit” is a humorous investigation of the struggle in society in relation to people with special needs. |
28 May | 20:30 Privesc.eu | Concert by Jazz musician Leonhard Skorupa and Sketchbook Quartett, offered by Embassy of Austria to the Republic of Moldova A special concert, approaching jazz from a completely different direction, which in its broadest sense, can be attributed to post-rock. |
28 May | 20:30 Privesc.eu | Andrej, a programmer, is developing his project of an intelligent home. To make his program perfect he moved with his wife Zuzana to the test house. Suddenly someone else, someone mysterious takes control over the software. |
28 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Četri balti krekli (Four White Shirts)”, offered by the Embassy of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova Phone technician Cezars Kalnins in his free time composes songs and performs in a band created with his friends. However, getting the band to perform in public has to go a long way in getting permissions. |
29 May | 12:15 Jurnal TV | Concert “Born in Riga”, offered by the Embassy of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova The concert was held on 6 July 2014 in front of the Latvian National Opera on a specially constructed open-air stage. It was the most glamorous and memorable musical event in Riga as the European Capital of Culture in 2014. |
29 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “80% unfit”, offered by the Embassy of the Netherlands to the Republic of Moldova Mari Sanders has been in a wheelchair since he was a child. At school he was told that his dream of becoming a filmmaker was beautiful, but that it would be better to be more realistic about his future. “80% unfit” is a humorous investigation of the struggle in society in relation to people with special needs. |
29 May | 21:00 TVR Moldova | Film “Berliner”, offered by the Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova and Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chisinau |
30 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Film “Berliner”, offered by the Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova and Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chisinau |
30 May | 21:30 Moldova 1 | Concert dedicated to Europe Day 2021 (Replay) |
31 May | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Concert “Born in Riga”, offered by the Embassy of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova The concert was held on 6 July 2014 in front of the Latvian National Opera on a specially constructed open-air stage. It was the most glamorous and memorable musical event in Riga as the European Capital of Culture in 2014. |
Date | Time | Event |
3 June | 20:00 Privesc.eu | Concert by Aki Rissanen Trio, offered by the Embassy of Finland to Romania Aki Rissanen Trio plays music from their latest jazz album ”Art In Motion”. The music is composed by Aki Rissanen and in addition he arranged a madrigal by Carlo Gesualdo for the trio. The concert is filmed in G Livelab Helsinki in November 2019. |
4 June | 19:50 Moldova 1 | Film “Life begins at 100”, offered by the Embassy of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova The main character Dagny was presented as “the oldest blogger in the world” and “the most trendy pensioner in Sweden”. Dagny Carlsson had quite a few ups and downs. Although she dreamed of a higher education as a child, her duties to her younger siblings made this impossible … |
June | (in process of confirmation on TV) | Film “Sengire (The Ancient Woods)”, offered by the Embassy of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova The documentary film Ancient Woods takes its viewers on the endless journey – from the forest thickets to the wolves’ caves and up to black stork’s nest, and then deep into the water to the underwater forest, returning after to the human beings inhabiting the edge of the woodland. |