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European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) was marked throughout Moldova

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the largest annual event dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe was held in a number of Moldovan localities – signatories of the Covenant of Mayors in Moldova. Celebrating its 17th edition in Europe, EUSEW engaged approximately 7,000 citizens of all ages across 17 localities.

Budești, Bălți, Anenii Noi, Copceac, Cucoara, Floreni, Lozova, Putinței, Sireți, Strășeni, Suhuluceni, Talmaza, Văleni, Vorniceni, Albinețul Vechi, Țarigrad, and Nișcani emerged as the most active communities, marking EUSEW and Energy Days. They promoted the significance of sustainable energy and encouraged local citizens and businesses to adopt energy-saving habits.

Over 45 events included a wide range of activities, including thematic discussions on renewable energy and energy efficiency, exhibitions featuring children’s drawings on energy-related topics, film screenings addressing environmental protection and climate issues, as well as sports activities like football matches and bicycle marathons. Thematic excursions and flash mobs were also organized to engage the community.

Furthermore, the CoM-East project team in Moldova organized two competitions for the signatories. The first contest focused on identifying the best local practices that had a significant impact on citizens’ lives. City halls were encouraged to reflect on the impact of their projects over the past five years and submit a description of their achievements. Nine city halls participated, and five were selected to receive recognition through short video spots showcasing their localities and the results they achieved.

The second contest was dedicated to the most active communities during EUSEW and Energy Days, held from June 15th to July 15th. An appreciation ceremony for their outstanding results is scheduled for September, coinciding with the Week of Climate Diplomacy.

During #EUSEW2023, young people from Talmaza, a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors in Moldova, gathered at the Unified Youth Services Center in their locality to discuss solar energy. They explored the benefits of solar energy, funding opportunities for households and businesses, and shared information on establishing eco-friendly businesses, emphasizing the importance of transitioning to environmentally friendly energy sources for a sustainable future.

In Strășeni, the Museum of History and Ethnography organized an exhibition titled “Archaic and Modern,” showcasing old candles, indoor and outdoor lamps, chandeliers, and more. At the end of the exhibition, visitors were informed about modern methods for efficient energy use and climate protection.

Activities were also held in Sireți to mobilize young people and adults in promoting sustainable energy and responsible environmental practices. In Lozova, the municipality organized the fourth edition of the “EcoEnergy” Velomarathon, and in Floreni and Suhuluceni, football matches took place under the EUSEW.

In the city of Balti, summer camps, kindergartens, and schools hosted dozens of practical activities, thematic discussions, and exhibitions of drawings to raise awareness about sustainable energy.

Undoubtedly, the events of EUSEW 2023 in Moldova made a significant contribution to promoting sustainable energy and a clean and secure energy future.