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Five social canteens operate in the Republic of Moldova since May 2022, with the support of the European Union

About 300 people from vulnerable groups benefit from food support delivered through five social canteens financed by the European Union in the frameworks of the project “Partnerships for inclusive and sustainable social canteen services”.

The project aims to contribute to the promotion of social cohesion and inclusion of vulnerable groups through the development of innovative and sustainable social canteen services. Thus, the financed social canteens provide a warm meal a day to children from low-income families, elderly people who do not have the support of an extended family, people with disabilities and other persons from vulnerable groups. 

At the same time, the five social canteen services from the villages of Ghetlova (Orhei district), Cazangic (Leova district), Antonești (Ștefan Vodă district), Doroțcaia (Dubăsari district) and Coșernița (Florești district), founded and managed by A.O. Concordia. Social Projects will be improved with logistical and infrastructure upgrades based on innovative models and best practices from EU member states. Complementarily, the project aims at increasing the capacities of social canteen service providers to deliver quality, sustainable services, including in emergency situations, through a series of training activities.

The project „Partnerships for inclusive and resilient social canteen services” is funded by the European Union, co-founded and implemented by P.I. „Keystone Moldova”, P.A. „Concordia. Social Projects” and P.I.S.M. „Diaconia”. The implementation period of the project is 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2024 and the total value is of 1,327,609 EUR.