Four regional Social Business Hubs have been capacitated in the promotion and development of social entrepreneurship at regional level
Twenty representatives, from four CSOs selected to develop Regional Social Business Hubs, successfully completed the educational programme in social entrepreneurship. The trainings took place in November 2022, under the “Harnessing CSO’s potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova” project, funded by the European Union and co-funded by Sweden, and implemented by the East Europe Foundation in partnership with Keystone Moldova and CONTACT Centre.
“The participation of the Social Business Hub Tiraspol team in the educational program on social entrepreneurship, from the legal framework to marketing and promotion, organised by the Contact Center, will help us have an effective activity to support social entrepreneurs on the left bank. All socio-economic processes are highly changeable, and in times of crisis it is particularly important to acquire new skills and knowledge that will allow minimising business risks and increasing sustainability. Our centre will apply the received tools in its activities and adapt them to the regional specifics”, says Ina Barishnicova, Director of the Social Business Hub in Tiraspol.
“We aim to inform more than 100 young people in the field of social business, and in the first 2 years, to help 20 young people to launch themselves on the market with social businesses in different fields”, states Ludmila Prociuc, administrator of the Socio-Economic Policy Centre “CONSENS” in Sîngerei city.
“I needed to know what the financial report for a social business should contain and exactly when the reporting takes place so that I can observe the law,” says Iulia Culicenco, a young social entrepreneur.
The four non-governmental organisations were selected following a call of proposals and receive funding in the amount of €180,000. Thus, in the North region social enterprises will benefit from support provided by A.O. CONSENS Centre for Socio-Economic Policies in Sîngerei; in the South region – support will be provided through the Cahul Chamber of Commerce and Industry; in the Centre region – assistance will be provided through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Chişinău municipality, and in the Transnistrian region – support will be provided through the Association of Social Entrepreneurs from Tiraspol. The implementation period of the funded projects is until 2024.
The project “Harnessing the CSO’s potential to promote and develop the social entrepreneurship in Moldova” is funded by the European Union and co-funded by Sweden through the East Europe Foundation, in partnership with CONTACT Centre and Keystone Moldova.
The aim of the project is to empower CSOs to engage in creating social enterprises, which will contribute to the sustainable economic growth of communities. The initiative also seeks to create a favourable ecosystem for the development of social enterprises through access to professional consultations at the regional level and raising awareness regarding social entrepreneurship.