From finance to sports – just one step away. Iulia Zgherea creates a fitness platform for new moms, thanks to EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul courses

Iulia Zgherea is 34 years old and has worked in the banking sector for more than 10 years. Being on childcare leave, the young woman decided to use this time for personal development and enrolled in the IT and digital courses held by EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul.
“We are in an era of technology, where everything is developing rapidly, and we have to go step by step with it. Digitization is now applied in all fields. Any business needs to reach the public through online advertising, a website, social networks. In addition, I try to understand what I like, what I am passionate about and what I can do better“, stated Iulia Zgherea.
Initially, Iulia attended Web Design course within the ICT4Women programme, and later enrolled in the “Web Development” and “Digital skills” courses. Thanks to the knowledge acquired during them, the young woman managed to create the FitMama platform, intended for women who want to keep in shape.

“Sport is one of my passions, and with the help of mentor Gheorghe Pădure and the accumulated knowledge, we managed to bring this project to life. I am going to launch the platform shortly and it will help a lot of women to get rid of the extra kilos accumulated until giving birth, the incorrect outfit or the stress accumulated at work. I want to help as many women as possible to understand that they are beautiful, to love themselves and to manage to combine a healthy lifestyle with work, childcare or household chores“, said Iulia Zgherea.
The young woman encourages all those who want to develop their digital skills to constantly follow the activities of EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul and not to miss the courses held within the project.
The courses were organized by EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul, a project implemented by ATIC and financed by the European Union, in partnership with the Embassy of Sweden.