Green day in Ialoveni – a civic responsibility initiative to spur local citizens’ engagement in recycling practices and reducing daily pollution
The harmonious development of a city depends, first of all, on the involvement of its citizens. On 5 August 2021, the inhabitants of Ialoveni proved that they not only want a clean, green, and beautiful city, but also that they contribute to making this goal happen. More than 100 citizens, including children and youth, participated in the ‘Green Day in Ialoveni’ event, organised by the Center for Innovation and Policies of Moldova (CIPM), in partnership with Ialoveni Mayoralty.
The big event had several activities, including discussion sessions with the mayor of Ialoveni and experts in energy efficiency and environmental issues about the need to streamline the city and help reduce pollution, drawing contest for children about how they see the future of Ialoveni. The event was also attended by the young vlogger Ciao Patricia, who spoke to the children about the 10 ideas to make our country more beautiful.
Also, the participants benefited from a training of the association “Hai Moldova” and CIPM on recycling and sorting waste according to European practices, and later became involved in a clean-up activity in the central area of the city, collecting 11 bags of garbage. The action served as an example of civic responsibility of the people of Ialoveni, for the awareness of the need to clean both their own yard, as well as outside it, to be openly involved in the development of the city with local authorities and to apply natural practices of sorting garbage.
The Center for Innovation and Policy of Moldova (CIPM) is the beneficiary organisation of the EU funded Local Grants Programme and implements the project “Community involved for prosperity. Ialoveni – the city of the future” in the city of Ialoveni.
The local grant program is launched based on the Single EU Support Framework for the Republic of Moldova (2017-2020) under the European Neighbourhood Instrument, through the project “Citizens’ Empowerment in the Republic of Moldova” (2019-2021), funded by the Union European and implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ. In the Center Development Region, the implementing partners of the project are the Association for Efficient and Responsible Governance – AGER and AO ADR “Habitat”.