Improving the quality control of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment documentation

A training workshop on the Quality Control of Strategic Environmental Assessment (ESM) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) documentation in the Republic of Moldova was held within the framework of EU4Environment
Within the framework of the European Union-funded EU4Environment programme (2019- 2023), UNECE is assisting the Eastern Partnership countries, including the Republic of Moldova, in comprehensive capacity-building and institutional building on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and in finalising legal reforms in this area.
The effectiveness and efficiency of the application of SEA and EIA in Moldova needs to be further improved, and the relevant Law amendments that will enter into force in October 2023 for SEA and in November 2023 for EIA are expected to improve conditions for the development of a sound practice and strengthening of the overall institutional capacities for environmental assessment application.
Among the relevant changes applicable as of October-November 2023 is also a component related to the Quality Control of both SEA and EIA (including in a transboundary context). For that purpose, the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Moldova requested support from the UNECE to elaborate two Guidelines. The Guidelines will provide assistance to those performing the control of quality for the EIA documentation and for the SEA documentation respectively, as well as serving as a guiding tool for the initiators and other stakeholders participating in the EIA and SEA processes.
Currently, the draft Guidelines for Quality Control of SEA and EIA are in the process of finalization. The workshop therefore served as a platform for the discussion on most significant issues related to the effectiveness of the EIA and SEA processes, as well as for the training for the practical application of the envisaged quality control mechanism including use of the newly developed Guidelines. The workshop was facilitated by experts/consultants to UNECE.