Innovative heating supply system in Cantemir with EU support
With the support of the European Union, the works regarding the establishment of the future Biomass Thermal Power Plant, which will represent an innovative thermal energy supply system in Cantemir city, are in full process. The new biomass-based thermal complex will ensure considerable savings in natural gas consumption and will significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
Currently, have been completed the construction works of the concrete foundation, while the installation of the exterior constructions and the equipment of the Thermal Power Plant is underway. The main elements of the future plant are: biomass boiler, automatic fuelling system and biomass fuel storage.
The existing natural gas thermal power plant in Cantemir, which currently supplies 2 educational institutions with thermal energy, will not be taken out of operation, but it will operate in a complementary way to the new biomass thermal power plant. Also, local biomass will be used – wood chips from wood cleaning obtained from the green spaces in the city, from orchards and vineyards near Cantemir.
The diversification of energy sources, which is ensured by the establishment of the biomass plant, is a key element of the EU-funded demonstration project in Cantemir.
The CanTREB project is carried out by Cantemir City Hall, in partnership with the Alliance for Energy Efficiency and Renewables (AEER), with the financial support of the European Union, within the Program “Covenant of Mayors – Demonstration Projects.” The project provides thermal rehabilitation of 4 educational buildings, through a complex of energy efficiency measures, such as thermal insulation of buildings, installation of individual thermal points, replacement of old LED internal lighting systems, installation of biomass heating plant, etc.