Launch of the national network of specialists in the protection of victims of violence and provision of high-performance IT equipment
The position of a specialist in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence and rehabilitation of victims of crime was established for the first time in the Republic of Moldova in 2024. This was made possible thanks to the RESTART social assistance reform, which makes it possible to implement policies in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence and rehabilitation of victims at local level.
Thanks to the financial support provided by the European Union within the project “Strengthening the national capacity of Moldova to provide quality protection, education, health services and socio-economic opportunities for Ukrainian refugees”, implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), specialists in the field have received high-performance IT equipment to streamline their work. The European Union has provided 51 laptops worth 963,696.00 MDL and office supplies bags, which will be distributed to specialists in the field of protection of victims of violence in the 10 Territorial Social Assistance Agencies in Chișinău and in the ATU Găgăuzia. As a result, front-line specialists can use the digital services, enabling them to conduct case management more effectively.
“I would like to thank the colleagues who have opted for this rather complicated position and I strongly encourage them to develop their ability to be proactive and to collaborate with other professionals. Specialists in the protection of victims of violence and rehabilitation of victims of crime are the ones who will fight for the beneficiaries, they will be the spokesperson for people who have suffered as a result of crime and violence. Our mission is very important and we have no right to fail”, said Alexei Buzu, Minister of Labor and Social Protection.
Several measures were already implemented, while others are yet to be developed, within the national network of specialists in the protection of victims of violence and rehabilitation of victims of crime:
- A competency matrix for specialists in the field has been established.
- A series of trainings have been organised and will continue throughout the year.
- High-performance IT equipment and the necessary office equipment to perform tasks more efficiently were donated at the event.
- A case management information system is to be introduced.
- Monthly meetings will be organised with the participation of colleagues from the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and colleagues from the National Agency for the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in which the situation in each district will be discussed.
Specialists in the field of prevention and combating domestic violence and rehabilitation of crime victims from the Territorial Social Assistance Agencies and subordinated structures, as well as specialists from the territorial social assistance structures of Chisinau municipality and ATU Gagauzia participated in various trainings dedicated to combating domestic violence and to aspects concerning the rehabilitation of crime victims.
Trainings were also organised for all psychologists to strengthen their capacities in working with victims of crime. The trainings were organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, in partnership with the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau, in the framework of the EU-funded project implemented by the International Organization for Migration “Strengthening the national capacity of Moldova to provide quality protection, education, health services and socio-economic opportunities for Ukrainian refugees”.
“IOM has been supporting the efforts of the Moldovan Government in the fight against trafficking in persons since the beginning of 2000s. Today’s donation, made by the European Union and facilitated by IOM, is aligned with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection’s RESTART reform. It will practically support workers across the country to assist victims of violent crimes, including refugees and third-country nationals“, said Damien Fresnel, Head of Programmes of the International Organization for Migration in Moldova.
The trainings contributed to the capacity building of specialists and practitioners at the territorial level on the phenomenon of domestic violence, specific international and national regulations, intervention tools, effective communication techniques, identification of crime victims and their rights, the role of authorities in the prevention and identification of crimes of trafficking in human beings or related crimes, special mechanisms for the protection of victims of crime, inter-institutional and inter-sectoral cooperation in ensuring the rights to assistance and protection of victims of crime.
“I wish you success, I wish you courage, we all wish you to have as a lot of strength and perseverance. I know it is not easy, and sometimes, or more often, we work on enthusiasm and volunteering, but, trust me, once we believe in what we do, we can help our women. And that is wonderful, that there are so many of us, women and men, who can work together to respond to cases very quickly and to respond to the expectations of the victims”, concluded Viorica Țîmbalari, Director of the National Agency for the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (ANPCV).
Establishing the position of specialist in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence and rehabilitating victims of crime is an essential reform for women, girls, children and victims of violence in the Republic of Moldova. Thanks to these legislative adjustments and supporting measures, interventions in cases of domestic violence will be carried out efficiently and through a joint approach, using digital services.
The trainings and the donation of IT equipment was made possible thanks to the project “Strengthening the national capacity of Moldova to provide quality protection, education, health services and socio-economic opportunities for Ukrainian refugees”, funded by the European Union’s Foreign Policy Instruments Facility (FPI) and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Project activities also aim to strengthen the efforts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in this area.