Local Action Group “Gagauz Koraflari”: bakery modernized in line with latest standards, thanks to the EU support
The Tomai-Servis company from Tomai commune, ATU Găgăuzia, has updated its bread production activity with the support of the LAG “Gagauz Koraflari”.
The new equipment purchased will simplify the working process, which provides bread in a social regime for dozens of residents within the micro-region.
The LAG “Gagauz Koflalari” supported Tomai-Servis with 50,000 MDL, in the framework of the EU-LEADER Rural Development Fund 2020.
The company invested the funds in equipment for bread cutting and packaging, a special bakery table and several baking pans.
“Up until recently, our technical equipment was outdated and difficult to work with; now, the process of baking bread will be much faster. This will enable underprivileged members of the community to have bread on their tables at a much lower cost,” says Nicolai Topciu, Director of Tomai- Servis.