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New opportunity for Civil Society: Call for the 2022 Solidarity Fellowships


A new EaP Civil Society Fellowship call was launched. The ‘Solidarity Fellowships’ will support civil society activists and civically minded women and men who demonstrate a deep commitment to leading a civil response to the war in Ukraine as part of the emergency support under the theme of #StandWithUkraine.

The Solidarity Fellowships are designed specifically for civil society activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova who would like to work on addressing the consequences of the war in Ukraine. Important note: Ukrainian applicants have a simplified procedure this year.

Successful Fellows from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova will be able to obtain around 5,000 EUR in financial support for their Fellowship. In addition, we will support Fellows to benefit from suitable organisational/operational capacity development trainings/webinars and reach out for solidarity through the networking of the alumni of previous generations of Fellows.

The proposed actions should be in line with following priority themes :

  • Emergency support and relocation / evacuation for Ukraine-based civil society activists and their families
  • Support to Ukrainian CSOs and activists with fund-raising and mobilization of international support
  • Emergency needs of the local population and helping local communities respond to the needs of IDPs and refugees. This includes local communities outside Ukraine, in other Eastern Partnership countries.
  • Support to CSOs (both Ukrainian CSOs and CSOs outside the country) to provide basic services in and for communities impacted by the war (such as contributing to the improvement of health services, education, other public services required by vulnerable groups, etc.)
  • Human Rights violations and gathering evidence for future investigations
  • Mitigating misinformation campaigns about the crisis and about refugees
  • Supporting IDPs and refugees to access any relevant information including through civic tech solutions, etc.
  • Advocacy campaigns and actions related to conflict resolution/peace building/etc.

There is no deadline for applying. Applications will be received and assessed on a rolling basis.

2022 Solidarity Fellowships:

Website –

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