Fruit Garden project: vineyard technologies in Căinari will triple harvest in the coming years
On a hilltop, painstakingly tended by farmers from the “Agro-Căinari” Cooperative, a young vineyard grows and bears fruit. The first cuttings were planted in 2017. In the meantime, with the help of the Livada Moldovei project, carried out with the support of the European Union through the European Investment Bank, the farmers have ensured the planting with water and nutrients, and the vines harvest is planned accordingly.
For a better result and competitive grape quality, farmers decided to invest in a vineyard support system. They found help from the Livada Moldovei project, which was carried out with the support of the European Union through the European Investment Bank.
“We focused on a classic system, but seeing that other farmers are already one step ahead, we decided to go for the Pergola support. If in a classic system we are talking about 10-12 tonnes of harvest, here, although the investment is double or even triple, we are already talking about 30-45 tonnes per ha,” noted another founder of the cooperative, Roman Sava.
The advantages farmers have found in the EU project led them to access such a loan again.
“We had a really good collaboration and we decided to apply again the second year, because we saw that without irrigation we can’t go further. In 2021 we applied and got another support for irrigation,” said Valeriu Coțofană.
“The climate is favorable for us, the conditions are good, people are hardworking. It takes desire and material. But I think it is possible to farm in Moldova,” added Roman Sava.
Find more information at the following link: https://youtu.be/nimFpbsVvTY .