“Reform of the initial and continuous training of the police system in the Republic of Moldova” resumed its activity
Given the special circumstances created by the COVID-19 outbreak, the TWP team made considerable efforts to adjust to the challenging situation and made its best to meet TWP goals. Therefore, once relaunching the TWP implementation (on June 1, 2020), all activities are taking place remotely using technological tools for virtual meetings.
In this regard, several on-line meetings were held with all EU and Beneficiary Country stakeholders addressing issues related to TWP implementation and possible shortcomings related to remote implementation of the Project.
Moreover, on July 7, 2020 the 7th Steering Committee meeting took place. At the meeting the project team discussed progress recorded in the seventh quarter of TWP implementation and approved a series of documents needed for further development of the project.
It should also be noted that Moldovan Police benefited from a considerable expertise from EU partners in the following areas:
- Drafting the Communication Plan of new MIA Police Academy’s mission;
- Drafting the first multi-annual management plan for the MIA Police Academy;
- Analysis of different national and international training institutions current legal basis, documents regulating Mission statements;
- Developing the training program for Joint Law Enforcement Training Center management and educational staff;
- Sharing experience and providing recommendations regarding the EU experience in implementation of in-service trainings dedicated to police officers in Interrogation tactics, Cybercrime, Duty and dispatch services.
Project background: As part of EU Police Reform Budget Support Programme for 2017-2020, the overall objective of this Twinning project is to assist the Government of the Republic of Moldova in ensuring the rule of law, enhancement of public order and security and protection of human rights through development of an accessible, accountable, efficient, transparent and professional police system.
Main beneficiaries of the project: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and General Police Inspectorate.
Project duration and implementation period: The overall project implementation will take 30 months (it started on July 2018, between 23 March 2020 and 31 May 2020 the Project was suspended due to COVID-19 outbreak), amounting to a budget of 2.000.000 EUR.
Components of the project:
- Modern curricula and training methodologies are developed and implemented;
- Police staff trained and prepared to deal with citizens in a professional modern manner;
- The MIA Academy is modernized in line with EU and international standards;
- The Joint Law Enforcement Training Centre’s capacities are strengthened.